Damsel-in-Distress (Alex x Willie)

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"Let me go, Elliot,"Willie said, pulling his arm from his ex-boyfriend's grasp.

"C'mon baby,"Elliot said, "I just want you back."

"Leave me alone,"Willie said, trying to move away again but Elliot just blocked his path.

"Willie, you're not listening to me,"Elliot said, his voice stern.

Willie had to get out of here.

"Hey babe there you are."

A tall, blonde guy came up to stand beside him, offering his hand to Willie.

Willie immeadiatly grabbed onto it and leaned into the stranger.

"Everything is all set up so we're just waiting to go on,"The guy said, "I was getting drinks do you want anything?"

"Yes,"Willie said, "I'll come with you to help."

Elliot tried to protest but the guy was immeadiatly glaring at him.

"Don't talk to my boyfriend again,"The guy threatened, before leading Willie away towards the bar.

"Thank you so much,"Willie said, "That's my ex and he just will not leave me alone."

"Did he follow you here,"The guy asked.

"Most likely,"Willie said.

"He's still staring over here,"The guy said, since he was facing the direction they'd come from while Willie was looking at the guy, "Looks like he wants to hurt me."

"You'd win in a fight,"Willie said, "I mean clearly you're taller and stronger and Elliot's block is awful."

The guy smiled, a faint blush on his face, before he looked back over where Willie assumed Elliot was still staring at them.

The guy leaned down towards Willie's ear and whispered, "He's a creep, and I don't like the way he's looking at you. I know a place where he won't find us."

Chills ran down Willie's spine as he now blushed.

"Okay,"Willie said, "But I need to at least know your name first. I'm Willie."

"Alex,"The guy responded, before tugging Willie by the hand through a door next to the stage.

Inside were three guys, and two girls.

One of the girls was doing her makeup while the other was on her phone.

Two of the boys appeared to be wrestling while the other just watched them with a small smile.

The boys wrestling stopped when they noticed Alex.

"Hey, where's out shots,"The dark haired boy asked.

"I think he got a little distracted Reg,"The brunette said, glancing at where their hands were intertwined.

Alex immeadiatly let go of Willie's hand and Willie noticed how red his face had gotten.

"Bobby, do you mind getting them,"Alex asked the third boy, "I'll explain later."

"Not a problem Lex,"Bobby said, standing and walking out of the room.

"That's Luke and Reggie,"Alex said, pointing to each of the boys and then the girls, "And that's Julie and Flynn. Everyone, this is Willie."

"Wow Alex, you're gone for a couple minutes and you come back with a hot boy,"Flynn said, "I never should've doubted your game."

"I- It's not,"Alex stuttered.

"Alex saved me from my crazy ex,"Willie said.

There was a knock at the door, and Reggie bounced up excitedly to open it for Bobby with the shots.

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