My Name is Luke

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Everyone had noticed Luke had been off today.

He didn't have his usual energy.

Julie looked at Alex and Reggie, hoping they had an idea.

But they motioned for her to drop it.

However, when Luke messed up a riff, and stopped playing, it was hard to pretend not to notice.

Luke ripped off his guitar and put it back on it's stand.

"Hey man, we can run it again,"Reggie said,"I'm sure you'll get it this time."

"Shut up Reggie,"Luke said.

Reggie's face immeadiatly fell, the boy starting to shake.

"Woah,"Alex said, immeadiatly standing up and moving from behind his drumset.

He turned to Reggie, holding the boy's hands in his own.

"It's okay Reg,"Alex said,"Luke's not feeling great right now. He didn't realize what he said. Take some deep breaths."

Reggie and Alex breathed together, waiting for Reggie to calm down before Alex turned to Luke.

"Luke, I understand that your angry or upset about something, but that's not an excuse to snap at Reggie,"Alex said.

"You don't get it Alex,"Luke said,"None of you could ever get it."

"Luke, let's take some deep breaths,"Alex said.

"None of you know what it's like to wake up everyday and look at yourself and feel utterly repulsed,"Luke said,"You don't know what it's like to hate every single part of your body. To feel like your body is trying to crawl out of your skin. To be trapped in your body with no escape."

"Luke,"Alex started.

The brunette boy had already fallen onto the ground, arms wrapped around himself as he curled up into the floor.

Alex and Reggie both sat down on the floor near him, Julie following their lead.

Luke had started sobbing.

"Luke, can I touch you,"Alex asked,"Can I hold you."

"Y-ye-e-ess,"Luke stuttered.

Alex scooped the boy into his arms, holding him close.

"Reggie,"Luke said softly.

Reggie hugged him from the other side, sandwiching Luke between him and Alex.

Julie watched them, sitting on the ground near them.

The boys sat like that until Luke had stopped crying and shaking, burying his face into Alex's hoodie and the sleeve of. Reggie's flannel.

"How are you feeling now? Still red,"Alex asked.

"Almost yellow,"Luke said,"Almost."

"I know what will make you feel better,"Reggie said.

He poofed up to the loft for a second before returning with one of Luke's sleeveless muscle shirts.

"Thanks Reg,"Luke said, taking the fabric and holding it to his face.

"You wanna put it on,"Alex asked.

Luke poofed into the bathroom for a minute, before returning.

Changed from a baggy long sleeved shirt, to the sleeveless one that showed most of his sides.

"You look great Luke,"Reggie said.

Luke turned to look at Julie.

"Julie, there's something I need to tell you,"Luke said.

Julie and the Phantoms OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora