Solo to Skywalker, Over (Luke x Reggie)

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Reggie closed the door to the studio behind him.

Tears were streaming from his eyes, and he clutched his head to try and stop the pounding.


Reggie looked up and found Alex climbing down from the loft.

"Hey Alex, I didn't know you were here,"Reggie said trying to wipe the tears from his eyes and stand up.

"I came out to my parents a few days ago,"Alex said,"They didn't take it well so I've been staying here."

"I'm sorry Alex,"Reggie said.

"Are you gonna tell me what's wrong,"Alex asked,"Or do you want me to call Luke?"

"No, please don't call Luke,"Reggie said.

"Why, is everything okay with you guys,"Alex asked.

Alex was the only person who knew that Luke and Reggie were dating.

They had told him after Alex came out to them.

"Yeah, we're fine. I just don't want Luke to worry,"Reggie said,"I just need to stay here for the night."

"Yeah, okay,"Alex said.

One night turned into two, and two turned into three, and so on.

Reggie had been staying at the studio for about a week.

"Hey Alex, I'm crashing here tonight,"Luke said as they finished the rehearsal.

"I'm gonna head home,"Reggie said.

Alex looked at him, asking if he was sure.

"Okay,"Luke said,"See you tomorrow Reg."

Bobby was still there meaning they couldn't exactly do anything other than bro hug.

Reggie left the studio, walking home.

He wasn't ready to walk back into his house, he had only been back the day after he left to grab some clothes when his parents weren't there.

He unlocked the door to the house and heard screaming again.

He tried to make it up to his room as silently and quickly as possible.


Reggie back tracked and walked into the kitchen where his parents were.

"Where have you been,"His father asked,"Your mother and I have been worried sick."

"I doubt that,"Reggie said.

"What did you just say,"His father asked.

"You two are too busy fighting to notice I'm gone,"Reggie said.

"Reginald,"His mother said,"Do not talk to your father like that."

"Like how you talk to him,"Reggie asked.

"Reginald,"His father started,"Your mother and I don't like what you're acting like."

"Well maybe I wouldn't be acting this way if you two weren't fighting all the time,"Reggie said,"I just can't take it anymore. I'm moving out."

"You are doing nothing of the kind,"His mother said,"You're only 17."

Reggie was already moving towards his room to grab anything he needed when his father grabbed his arm.

"You are not going anywhere Reginald,"His father stated.

"You can't make me stay here,"Reggie said pulling away from his grasp.

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