Reggie's #1 Fan Pt. 1

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"Anything in that pile worth keeping Reg,"Luke asked.

The boys were sitting in the garage with Julie clearing out the stuff in the loft.

Julie was moving the stuff down to the after sorting the actual garbage out.

When Reggie didn't respond Luke, Alex, and Julie all looked to where he was sitting.

"Reg,"Alex asked, "Reginald?"

"This is Gwen's stuff,"Reggie answered softly.

Luke and Alex immeadiatly moved closer, looking at what Reggie was looking at.

Julie moved down from the loft to join them as well.

There was a sketchbook, a camera, lots of photos, and a pair of roller skates.

"Wow, I didn't realise she kept that stuff here,"Alex said.

"Hey, that was the day we met her, remember,"Luke asked, pointing at one of the photos.

The boys were playing at the pier for tips when they noticed a girl pointing a camera at them.

"It's a dollar per photo,"Luke said while they were taking a water break.

"Please, I should be charging you,"She responded.

"Just don't take anymore photos alright,"Alex said.

"That your logo,"She asked, pointing to the drumest with Sunset Curve printed on it.

"Yeah, We're Sunset Curve,"Luke said.

"Tell your friends,"Reggie added with a smile, the girl returned it.

"It's boring, it has no creativity to it,"She said, pulling a marker and sketchbook out of her bag.

She moved quickly, scribbling on the paper.

"Here,"She said, ripping a page out and handing it to Luke.

"Woah,"Luke said, "Guys, look at this."

"We gotta get t-shirts with that on it,"Reggie said.

"I know a guy,"Bobby said.

"You're welcome,"The girl said, starting to walk away.

"We didn't get your name,"Alex shouted.

"Maybe next time,"She replied, already disappearing into the crowd.

Reggie watched after her with a smile on his face.

"If you don't mind me asking,"Julie started, "Who's Gwen?"

"She was a very good friend of ours,"Alex said, after Reggie didn't say anything.

"Yeah, she was the one who drew our logo and would take pictures of us playing for promo,"Luke said.

"After we met her on the pier she came to one of the shows and that's when we first started really getting to know her,"Alex said.

"She was so cool, smarter than all of us,"Luke said, "She was our manager or sorts at times too."

"Her brother was the first openly queer person I met,"Alex said, "You said we can say queer now right? It wasn't always-"

"It's a good term now, people use it when they don't want to use a label,"Julie said, "And that's really cool. She and her brother both sound awesome."

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