Good Influence (Luke x Reggie)

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"Luke,"Reggie said softly,"Are you awake?"

No response.

"Luke,"Reggie tried again.

Still nothing.

"Luke, I think I like guys,"Reggie said,"But unlike Alex I like girls too."

"I don't know if you can do that,"Reggie continued,"But I know that I've liked girls before, and right now I like a guy."

"I like you Luke,"Reggie said,"How could I not like you. You're funny, smart, sweet, and an amazing guitar player. And look at you, you have cutest messy hair and big brown eyes. And you're allergic to sleeves, which makes it very difficult to be around you sometimes."

"I know you didn't hear any of that,"Reggie said,"And you're not going to hear what I say next but, I love you Luke Patterson."

"That's it, that's all I wanted to say,"Reggie finished,"It feels really good to get that off my chest. Goodnight Luke."

"Can you repeat the part about how you get flustered looking at my biceps,"Luke said.

Reggie almost fell out of the bed.

"Luke,"He exclaimed.

He felt the bed move, and then the lamp turned on.

Reggie sat up, and looked at Luke who was very much awake.

"I-I thought you were asleep,"Reggie exclaimed.

"You're the hard sleeper Reg,"Luke said.

"Why didn't you tell me you were awake,"Reggie asked.

He was bright red by now.

"You didn't give me time to respond before you started talking about how you like guys,"Luke said,"And after you said that I thought it would be best to let you finish."

"You let me talk about the fact that I have a crush on you when I thought you were asleep but you were awake the whole time,"Reggie said,"I hate you."

"I thought you said you love me,"Luke said.

"Luke,"Reggie exclaimed angrily.

"Sorry,"Luke said.

"Just forget you heard all of that,"Reggie said,"I don't want things to be akward, just.."

Reggie was interrupted by Luke's lips on his.

Luke was kissing him.

Reggie never wanted it to stop.

He quickly let one of his hands tangle in Luke's hair.

Luke's hands were holding Reggie's face to keep him close.

Reggie broke away from the kiss so he could breathe.

"Why did you, why would you do that,"Reggie asked.

"Because I like you too Reg,"Luke said.

"You do,"Reggie asked.

"I don't know if I love you though,"Luke said.

"Oh,"Reggie said letting his face fall.

"I'm kidding,"Luke said,"Of course I love you Reggie. I love every single thing about you. You're funny, and kind, and a great bassist. You are the cutest dork, and I love you."

Reggie was blushing, and couldn't stop staring at Luke.

Luke just chuckled, and leaned forward to kiss him again.

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