Deja Vu (Alex x Reggie) (Alex x Luke *past*)

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Based on the song by Olivia Rodrgio. Do recommend listening to it before hand if you're not familiar with it.

Car rides to Malibu
Strawberry ice cream, one spoon for two
And tradin' jackets
Laughin' 'bout how small it looks on you

Luke and Alex used to spend every weekend in Malibu. 

When Reggie was still going to visit his grandparents in San Diego every weekend. 

That left just the two of them to drive up the coast and spend a whole day at the beach.

Strawberry ice cream had always been Luke's favorite, and Alex always agreed to share it with him even though he preferred mint chocolate chip. 

Alex had always loved giving Luke his hoodie to wear when Luke was wearing one of his muscle t-shirts and it got cold. 

Luke started bringing his flannel around just to give to Alex so he wouldn't be cold, but it never fit his skinnier arms and broader shoulders right.

Listening to Freddie Mercury
Bein' annoying, singin' in harmony
I know he's braggin'
To all his friends, sayin' you're so unique

Queen had always been Luke and Alex's thing, it's what they listened to when driving to Malibu. 

And of course, they harmonized. It was in their blood.

But now, it was Reggie. 

Reggie went to the beach with Alex on the weekends. 

And they shared cookies and cream ice cream because it was Reggie's favorite. 

Reggie was the one who wore Alex's pink hoodie, and Alex could just barely fit into Reggie's flannel.

They didn't listen to Queen as much, because Reggie preferred Green Day. 

And at the end of all their dates, they came back to the studio and Reggie told Luke and Bobby all about it.

So when you gonna tell him that we did that, too?
He thinks it's special, but it's all reused
That was our place, I found it first
I made the jokes you tell to him when he's with you

The observatory that overlooked Hollywood had always been Luke and Alex's getaway. 

But now, Alex took Reggie there to star gaze. 

And Reggie would never know that he and Alex had done these things, because he didn't know they were ever together. 

Alex and Luke had never told Reggie or Bobby when they were dating. 

3 months after they had broken up Reggie crashed into the studio holding Alex's hands and shouted, "We're dating!"

Alex had placed a kiss on Reggie's cheek, and avoided eye contact with Luke for the whole rehearsal.

Do you get déjà vu when he's with you?
Do you get déjà vu?
Do you get déjà vu, huh?

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