Feels Like I've Known You My Whole Life (Luke x Reggie)

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*They're like, around 9 here*

Reggie pulled his flannel around him tightly.

It wasn't that cold, but being in a new school made him anxious.

All the kids in the classroom were talking to one another, and laughing about things Reggie didn't understand.

He was in his seat, hoping the teacher would start the lesson soon enough.

His morning hadn't started off great, his parents forgot to feed him breakfast.

They barely got him to school on time, and were passive aggressive about going in to make sure he was all set.

They hadn't packed him lunch, or given him money for some either.

He had old school supplies that weren't going to be replaced.

After the teacher greeted him he took a seat in the front, because less people were there, and just hoped for the school day to start so it could be over.

"Luke, you know there's no running in the hallway,"The teacher scolded someone outside of the classroom.

"Sorry Mrs. Guthrie. I'm just so excited to get to your class so I can start learning,"He heard a boy's voice respond.

"Sure Luke,"She answered, "Take your seat."

Reggie was looking down at desk when the boy entered and plopped down at the seat behind him.

Then he felt someone tap his shoulder.

He turned around to face the boy.

He definitely wasn't expecting to be able to see all the colors of the boy's hair, eyes, skin, and clothes.

Or the colors of the rest of the room or the students.

The other boy smiled, and was suddenly standing again, grabbing onto Reggie's hand.

He pulled Reggie up and towards the doorway.

"Mrs. Guthrie, the new kid needs to go to the bathroom can I show him where it is,"The boy said.

The teacher looked between the two, where Reggie stood very obviously confused.

"Thank you for offering Luke,"She said,"I expect you two back very soon."

The boy, Luke, nodded and then started pulling Reggie down the hall and around the corner where the bathrooms were.

But even though they went inside the empty bathroom, Reggie knew that wasn't why they were here.

"I'm Luke,"Luke said.

"Reggie,"Reggie said softly.

"I really like the color of your eyes,"Luke said,"They're the first color I saw."

"I like yours too,"Reggie said, looking up into Luke's hazel eyes.

"Did your parents tell you about soulmates,"Luke asked.

"I thought mine had to be a girl,"Reggie said.

Luke's face fell a little.

"That's not true,"Luke said,"Boys can like boys. And girls can like girls. My mom always says that it doesn't matter who your soulmate is, the universe knows you're meant to be with them."

"My parents aren't meant to be,"Reggie said,"I don't think they're soulmates. Even if they pretend to be."

Luke's arms were around him a moment later.

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