You're the One that I Want (Alex x Willie) (Alex x Luke *past*)

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Luke poofed into the studio with Reggie.

Alex was sitting across Willie's lap in a chair, his hands running through Willie's hair.

"Oh, hey guys,"Alex said turning to them.

"Hey,"Luke said,"We just thought we would wait in here for Julie to get back from school."

"But I'm sure we could go hang somewhere else,"Reggie said.

"Guys,"Alex said,"It's fine."

"Yeah, I can even head out if you want,"Willie said.

"No stay,"Reggie said,"We should get to know you more since you're dating Alex now."

Willie and Alex both smiled happily as the two boys sat down.

"So Willie, do you like Star Wars,"Reggie asked.

Reggie and Willie immeadiatly started talking about that.

Luke wasn't paying too much attention, scribbling down lyrics or doodling in his journal.

Alex had stopped playing with Willie's hair, and moved to mess with his fingers.

Willie would occasionally press a kiss to Alex's cheek, or shoulder.

"Alex, who's your favorite character,"Willie asked.

"I always liked Luke,"Alex said.

Luke smiled, even though he knew Alex was talking about Luke Skywalker.

"Yeah, Luke's cool and all but Han's awesome,"Reggie exclaimed.

"Yeah, plus he and Chewbacca are just such an iconic duo,"Willie said,"Don't you think so 'Lexie?"

Luke gripped his pencil tightly, glancing up from his journal to the two boys.

The room had fallen silent, Reggie looking at Alex before over at Luke.

Alex slowly turned his head towards Luke, but Luke poofed out of the studio.

"I'll be right back,"Alex said standing up quickly before poofing out.

He found Luke sitting on the roof of Luke's house.

"Hey,"Alex said.

Luke didn't respond.

"Luke, talk to me,"Alex said.

"I'm happy for you Alex, really I am,"Luke said,"Willie's a great guy, and you deserve him."

Luke paused before continuing.

"I guess I just thought that there were some things that were our things,"Luke said.

"Like 'Lexie,"Alex asked.

"Yeah,"Luke said.

"Willie didn't know. I'm sure if I just told him,"Alex said.

"Alex, it's fine. I don't even know why I'm upset,"Luke said.

Alex moved closer and offered his hand, Luke taking it.

"I'm not jealous,"Luke said,"I know I like you as a friend, and it doesn't bother me that you're with Willie now."

"It's okay if you want us to have some things that are just ours,"Alex said,"Like this spot, and you calling me 'Lexie."

"I don't want to affect you and Willie's relationship,"Luke said.

"There's like, a million of other nicknames he can call me,"Alex said," 'Lexie is only for you. Come here."

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