Only Us (Alex x Reggie)

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This wasn't part of the plan.

Reggie gently pushed Alex's hair away from his forehead

"Yeah,"Alex breathed out softly.

Alex's fingertips traced along Reggie's hip.

"I love you,"Reggie said.

His gorgeous blue green eyes stared at Alex happily.

"I love you too,"Alex whispered, like it was a secret meant just for the two of them.

And it was.

"Welcome back boys,"Mrs. Mercer said hugging Alex and then Reggie,"Reggie it's so great to see you."

"Great to see you too Mrs. Mercer,"Reggie responded.

"Please Reggie, I've known you since you were in diapers you can call me Cassie,"Ms. Mercer said.

"Hi mom,"Alex greeted.

"Hello honey,"Cassie said,"Your father is just in the kitchen with Lizzie."

The two boys walked in and Alex was greeted with an armful of sister, before she hugged Reggie.

"Nice to see you too Liz,"Reggie said ruffling her hair.

"My favorite boys,"Mr. Mercer said,"How's school?"

"Good,"Alex said,"Reggie got a 98 on his stats final."

"Oh that's amazing,"Cassie said,"Isn't it George?"

"Of course it is,"Mr. Mercer, George, said,"Reggie's gonna be the smartest statistician ever."

"Alex how were the psych exams,"Cassie asked.

"Good,"Alex said,"I got all A's."

"He got all A+'s,"Reggie corrected.

Cassie sandwiched them in a hug.

"My two smart boys,"Cassie said,"We better eat before the food gets cold."

They sat down and started eating.

"So, Reggie,"George said,"Just thought you should now that Lizzie is currently looking for a date to prom."

"Dad,"Lizzie exclaimed.

"Well, we just thought he should know he has our permission if he takes interest,"George said.

"That's very kind Mr. Mercer but I'm afraid I'm already seeing someone,"Reggie said.

He knocked his foot gently against Alex's under the table.

"Well that's great,"Cassie said,"What's her name?"

"Ally,"Reggie answered.

"How did you meet her,"Cassie asked.

"She's the same major as Alex,"Reggie said,"We met through him."

"Does she have any friends,"George asked,"Maybe you could set up a double date."

"I'll look into it,"Reggie said.

Alex kicked his foot against Reggie's.

"You boys moved into that new apartment right,"Cassie said,"With those two other boys."

"Luke and Bobby,"Alex said,"Yeah, we moved in over a month ago."

"How's it working,"George asked.

"Well, we all share a main space, a kitchen, and a bathroom. But we each have our arm rooms a little smaller than a standard form room,"Reggie said.

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