Reggie's Ghost Kitty

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Reggie was walking along the beach near where his house used to be.

He heard a soft meowing and looked up into a tree where a black cat was sitting.

He looked around at the people who didn't seem to notice the cat.

Reggie walked over to the tree, and the cat meowed loudly looking at him.

"Hey kitty, can you see me,"Reggie asked.

The cat meowed again.

Reggie lifted himself up into the tree, careful not to move the branch the cat was on.

"Here kitty, can you come over to me,"Reggie asked, holding his hands out towards the cat.

The cat started to carefully move towards Reggie.

Once the cat was in reach, Reggie carefully lifted the cat up and held it close to him.

He climbed down and put the cat down on the ground.

The cat rubbed against his legs purring loudly.

"Why was nobody helping you,"Reggie asked, leaning down to pet the cat softly.

The cat meowed, rubbing against Reggie's hands.

"Are you a ghost kitty,"Reggie asked.

He looked around and didn't see anyone looking over to where they were.

He moved back onto the path, and the cat followed him.

People passed through Reggie and the cat.

"You're a ghost kitty,"Reggie exclaimed, picking the cat up in his arms.

The cat purred loudly in his arms.

"Do you want to come home with me girl,"Reggie asked.

Yes, he had determined the cat was a girl.

The cat chirped happily.

Reggie poofed back into the studio with the cat in his arms.

The studio was empty, so Reggie set the cat down on the floor.

"Here's the studio,"Reggie said.

The cat moved around cautiously, looking around before padding back over to Reggie.

Reggie sat down on the floor, and the cat climbed into his lap.

She purred loudly as Reggie started to pet her gently.

"We've gotta give you a name,"Reggie said,"Ghost sounds too obvious. What about Casper, no. Shadow?"

He kept calling out names but none of them seemed right and the cat didn't seem to respond to any of them.

"What about Ebony,"Reggie suggested, remembering it was the brand of one of his first bass guitars when he was 7, and what he had called the guitar.

The cat chirped in response.

"Do you like that,"Reggie asked,"Ebony?"

The cat chirped again.

"Alright, Ebony it is,"Reggie said happily.

"Reggie, why is there a cat on your lap,"Luke asked when he and Alex poofed into the studio.

"Shh, She's sleeping,"Reggie said.

He had moved to the couch and was watching tv on Julie's laptop while slowly petting Ebony.

But Ebony stretched and looked over towards the boys that had entered.

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