Know Me Like You Do Pt. 2 (Alex x Willie)

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Things had been great.

Willie was so happy being back with Alex.

Getting to see his friends again, and live in LA.

Rocky loved it too.

Everyday she got closer and closer to Alex, but was still calling him by his name.

Willie and Alex had been taking things slow, not wanting to rush into anything after being apart for so long.

Tonight it was pouring down rain outside, thunder crashing seconds after lighting flashed.

Rocky knew that Willie hated thunderstorms.

It was because thunderstorms felt like angry Elliot to Willie.

Alex was stuck at the studio because they were trying to let the storm calm down a little.

Willie was trying to ignore the storm, but he flinched everytime he heard the loud thunder.

Rocky had been focused on the tv, but once she heard the thunder start she was more focused on Willie.

"Daddy,"Rocky said softly.

"Yes angel,"Willie said, jumping when thunder cracked outside.

She walked over to him, and grabbed onto his hand.

Slowly she pulled him into Alex's room.

"What is it Rocky,"Willie asked.

Rocky pulled Alex's pink hoodie off of a chair and handed it to Willie.

"Papa says it's your favorite,"Rocky said.

Her brown eyes blinked up at Willie.

Willie immeadiatly threw the hoodie on, and inhaled Alex's scent.

Rocky was already pulling him out of the room again, and into her room.

Rocky grabbed one of her stuffed animals, a golden retriever named Hotdog, and passed it to Willie.

"I can't make the thunder stop daddy, I'm sorry,"Rocky said.

"Angel,"He said, crouching down on the ground, "I know you can't. I don't need you too."

"He can't hurt you anymore daddy,"Rocky said, "We're with papa now."

Willie nodded.

"Yeah, I know,"Willie said,"Your papa is amazing huh?"

"You love him,"Rocky asked.

"Very much,"Willie said.

"You should tell him,"Rocky said.

The front door opened, and Rocky smiled.

"Go,"She said, pushing Willie.

"Will you hold Hotdog for me,"Willie asked, offering her the stuffed animal.

She nodded, and grabbed ahold of the dog.

Willie walked out of the room, Alex standing by the front hanging his jacket, and running a hand through his wet hair.

"You're back,"Willie said softly.

"Sorry, we just wanted to wait for it to calm down but then it didn't and none of us wanted to spend the night at the studio,"Alex said,"Is Rocky in bed ye..."

He stopped when he looked at Willie.

"That's my hoodie,"Alex said, a smile appearing on his face.

"Apparently it's my favorite,"Willie said, "At least according to Rocky."

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