Best Friend's Boyfriend (Alex x Willie)

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"Sorry I'm late,"Carrie said hurrying into the dance studio.

Alex looked up from where he had been stretching to see a boy with long brown hair following her.

He carried a skateboard and a helmet, taking a seat down on the far wall.

"Who's your friend,"Kayla asked, pointing at the boy.

"That's Willie,"Carrie said,"He's gonna stay for rehearsal if that's cool."

Everyone nodded, but Alex was still kind of zoning out.

"Alex,"Carrie asked.

"Yeah,"Alex said,"Oh, it's fine."

Alex had to admit that having a cute boy at practice was very distracting, but he got through it.

He walked out of the rehearsal space with Carrie and Willie, and they started walking through the campus.

"You guys have a gig this weekend right,"Carrie asked.

Alex looked over at her, and saw that Willie's arm was thrown over her shoulders.

"Yeah,"Alex said,"We do."

"Are you in a band,"Willie asked,"What do you play?"

"Drums,"Alex said.

"That's sick man,"Willie said.

"You should come,"Carrie said,"Alex is that cool?"

"Yeah, totally, if you want to, no pressure,"Alex said.

"Yeah I'll come,"Willie said,"Care, do you want me to pick you up?"

"Yeah, that would be great,"Carrie said,"Alex, can you get me the details."

"I'll text them to you,"Alex said,"This is where I branch off. Bye."

Carrie and Willie both said goodbye before they continued walking.

Alex signed as he walked the rest of the way back to the dorm he shared with Luke and Reggie, and wasn't surprised to find Reggie and Flynn there.

"Hey, how was rehearsal,"Reggie asked.

Alex groaned, and dramatically feel onto the floor.

"What happened,"Flynn asked.

"There was a cute boy that came to watch,"Alex said.

"Ooo,"Julie said.

"And it was Carrie's boyfriend,"Alex finished.

"Ohh,"Julie and Flynn both said.

"I didn't know Carrie was seeing someone,"Luke said,"Didn't she just break up with that Dylan dude."

"Well, she showed up to rehearsal with Willie, and when we were walking back he had his arm around her,"Alex said,"And he's coming to our gig this weekend."

"And you like him,"Julie said.

"I mean he's cute,"Alex said,"But I don't know him and he's Carrie's boyfriend so I'll just, ignore the tiny part of me that started crushing on him."

Alex's whole plan of not crushing on Willie became much more difficult once he got to know him.

He had become a regular addition to the group, both at gigs and rehearsals and just hangouts.

And Alex was pretty sure Willie was flirting with him.

At first he thought it might just be friendly, flirting was just a part of his nature like Reggie, even if he didn't mean anything by it.

But Alex was the only one he seemed to be flirting with, which was very wrong.

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