Your Eyes (Alex x Willie)

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It was said that the first color you would see when you met your soulmate would be their eye color. 

That was because you stare into their eyes and the colors appear around you, letting you know that you're meant to be. 

For years Alex had wished his soulmate could be a girl, but he knew in his heart that his soulmate would be a boy. 

Alex was gay. 

And it took him a long time for him to come to terms with that. 

It was safe to say he never imagined dying at seventeen and coming back as a ghost. 

Not to mention having someone still alive who could see them, and could make Alex visible just through performing on stage.

He never thought he would meet his soulmate as a ghost. 

One minute he was speed walking down Sunset Boulevard, and the next his face was hitting the pavement. 

He could hear the grunts of whoever had landed on him, and an "Aw man, you dinged my board."

"Dinged your board, dude, you ran me over, you're lucky I didn't,"Alex said picking himself up and turning towards whoever had crushed him.


His eyes were beautiful. 

The perfect shade of brown, that still showed his pupil but also gave off a soft, kind appearence. 

"You're a ghost,"He heard the guy say, "I am too. Ever since I learned the hard way that skating in traffic was bad."

Alex couldn't stare at his eyes because he was flipping his hair out of his helmet, and then tucking a piece of it behind his ear.

"Hey, sorry I smashed into you. Thought you were a lifer and I'd just pass right through,"The guy said. 

He didn't seem to have come to the realization that they were soulmates. 

"A lifer,"Alex asked, trying not to sound too disappointed.

"Yeah, that's what we call people, who are living,"The ghost said, "You're new to this whole ghost thing, aren't you?"

"Yeah, is it that obvious,"Alex asked. 

Apparently them being soulmates wasn't obvious.

"Totally,"The guy answered, "Hey, I'm uh, I'm Willie."

"Alex,"Alex said shaking the hand that was offered to him. 

Willie started a new conversation, still not talking about the realization Alex had come to.

Maybe Willie still couldn't see color. 

Maybe he was Alex's soulmate, but Alex wasn't his. 

Alex knew that was rare, but it still could happen. 

Alex wondered if he should be the one to bring it up, but his anxiousness got the better of him.

Alex was angry.

He had put aside his feelings, deciding not to tell Willie that the second his eyes met Willie's he could see their color, and the colors of the places around him slowly appeared.

Alex had decided he must not be Willie's soulmate, but he fully intended on being a part of Willie's life, well, afterlife.

Because Alex didn't know how he could have ever survived without Willie.

Willie had been sweet to Alex, and they had fun together. 

Then Willie was able to help them out by introducing them to Caleb so they could get back at Bobby.

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