Exes (Alex x Willie)

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Willie and Alex had been walking down Hollywood Boulevard hand in hand.

All of a sudden Alex released Willie's hand and moved away from him.

"Alex, you alright,"Willie asked.

The blonde boy shook his head, his body shaking.

Each breath he took was louder, and more forced.

"Alex,"Willie said.

"L-Luke,"Alex said,"I ne-eed Lu-uke."

"Okay, can I grab your hands so we can teleport to Luke,"Willie asked.

Alex nodded and Willie grabbed onto his hands before poofing them to the studio.

"You guys are back early,"Reggie said when they poofed in.

Luke looked up from his journal and immeadiatly jumped onto his feet and over to Alex.

"Hey 'Lexie, can you hear me,"Luke asked.

Alex immeadiatly threw himself into Luke, and the pair sank to the floor.

Luke ran his hands softly through Alex's hair as Alex gripped onto him tightly.

"'Lexie can you count backwards from a hundred by threes for me,"Luke asked.

"97,"Alex started,"94, 91, 88, 85, 82."

Alex continued counting until he wasn't shaking anymore and his breathing was steady.

"I, I'm okay,"Alex said.

"Okay,"Luke said,"Can you tell me what triggered you?"

"I saw some people with signs,"Alex said, but his voice started shaking as he tried to continue.

"It's okay Lexie, I understand,"Luke said.

"I think I should give you some space,"Willie said.

"No, don't go,"Alex said,"I don't want you to go."

"Okay, then I'm not going anywhere Hotdog,"Willie said.

Alex had calmed down and he and Willie had moved outside to sit up against the garage while holding hands.

"I'm sorry,"Alex said.

"You have nothing to be sorry about Alex,"Willie said.

"I just freaked out for no reason. And even though they couldn't see us I pulled away and,"Alex said.

"Alex, it's fine. Homophobic people are still around even though things are better,"Willie said,"And sometimes I feel like I wanna punch them."

Alex joined Willie in laughing.

"And about the whole Luke thing,"Alex said,"We um, we dated for a little bit back in the 90's. And he's always been the one who's calmed me down from panic attacks."

"Do you, do you still like him,"Willie asked.

"No, not like that. We realized we were better as friends and had a mutual breakup,"Alex said,"Were just close and...."

"You don't have to explain yourself Alex,"Willie said.

"Thank you for being so cool about everything,"Alex said.

"Or course,"Willie said,"I love you Alex."

"Oh, and we got a gig at a club for the first time,"Alex said,"Julie's so excited."

"Maybe I can stop by to watch,"Willie said.

"I would love that,"Alex said.

Willie smiled a pressed a small peck to Alex's lips.

They continued walking hand in hand down the beach.

Someone suddenly bumped into Willie, bumping him against Alex.

"I'm sorry,"The other guy said before looking up,"Oh, Willie. It's been forever."

Alex turned to look at Willie who was frozen, a death grip on Alex's hands as he stared at the other guy.

"What are you doing here,"Willie asked.

"I was just out walking,"The guy said,"But it's great to see you. Who's this."

"I'm Alex,"Alex said,"Willie's boyfriend."

"Boyfriend,"The guy said,"I'm Elijah."

"C'mon Alex let's go,"Willie said.

"Willie, I just wanted to talk,"Elijah said.

"We aren't talking,"Willie said.

"Willie, that's harsh,"Elijah said,"I don't know why you're acting this way. Let's just.."

He had reached out to grab onto Willie's arms.

Alex immeadiatly stepped in front of Willie, breaking Elijah's hold on his arm.

"Don't touch my boyfriend,"Alex said,"And if he says he doesn't want to talk to you, then leave him alone."

"This is none of your business,"Elijah said.

"Yes, it is. Because he's my boyfriend, and he's uncomfortable, you're making him uncomfortable,"Alex said,"Leave Willie alone. Let's go babe."

Alex and Willie started walking away, but Willie stopped them.

"What,"Alex asked,"Did I do something wrong?"

Willie drew Alex in for a long and passionate kiss.

"Thank you for doing that,"Willie said,"Standing up for me."

"He was touching you and I didn't like that,"Alex said.

"Elijah's my ex,"Willie said,"Things didn't end well. He been bothering me on and off for years."

"He won't be doing that anymore. I promise,"Alex said,"I love you Willie."

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