Cheescakes & Dates (Alex x Willie)

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"Table 9 ordered the sandwiches, Table 14 had the sodas and fries, Table 2 is waiting on the check, Table 20 needs dessert menus."

"Ortega, some man was at the table with Rocky. I walked up to him and he said he was waiting to ask someone where her parents were."

"Thanks Yvette,"Willie said, before dashing out of the kitchen and moving to the table where his 4 year old daughter sat.

A blonde man was squatting down next to the table, watching as Rocky talked a mile a minute and pointed at her drawings.

"Hey sweetie, everything okay,"Willie asked, stopping in front of the table.

"Yes daddy,"Rocky said, "This is Alex. His favorite color is pink and he has pretty eyes."

The man stood, and looked at Willie, and damn, his daughter was right, he did have pretty eyes.

"Hi, I'm Alex,"The man said, "I just saw her sitting alone and...I wanted to make sure she was okay."

Willie relaxed.

"Thanks,"Willie said. 

"Daddy look I drew the puppy I want,"Rocky said, holding up a picture.

"Very cute,"Willie said, then looked back to Alex,"I have to get back to work but I promise I look after her, and so do my coworkers."

"Do you mind if I buy her something off the menu, anything she wants,"Alex said.

"Oh you don't have to do,"Willie started but Rocky cut him off.

"Strawberry cheesecake please,"Rocky said.

Alex chuckled and Willie sighed.

"I'll take two strawberry cheesecakes then,"Alex said, "And maybe if it's not to forward, your number?"

"Seriously Willie, go,"Flynn said, "Carrie and I have got this."

He could already hear Carrie and Rocky laughing in the main room.

"If you need anything I'll have my ringer on and he'll understand if I have to,"Willie started.

"Stop, you're going on a date with a cute guy, your daughter free for the evening, she's in good hands. Go enjoy some you time. And if you want to spend the night with him just let us know,"Flynn said.

"Flynn,"Willie exclaimed. 

"Love you, you look amazing,"Flynn said, closing the door slowly,"Bye, sweep him off his feet!"

"I don't know why I was so nervous earlier,"Willie said,"I guess I'm a little out of practice."

Alex chuckled as he walked beside Willie through a park nearby the restaurant they had just come from.

"I can get pretty anxious about a lot of things so I understand,"Alex said,"I'm surprised I wasn't to nervous to ask you for your number. I'm not normally that forward, but I guess I just couldn't let you walk away."

Willie blushed, and carefully reached out to Alex's hand, intwining their fingers.

Alex just gave his hand a squeeze and they continued walking in silence.

"Dang, I feel like I'm 16 with a high school crush,"Willie said.

Alex laughed.

"Is that such a bad thing,"Alex asked.

"No, definitely not,"Willie said,"It just means I really want to see you again."

"I want to see you again,"Alex said.

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