Lost Without You (Reggie x Bobby)

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Warning: Suicide, and mentions of suicide, depression.

Bobby took another swig out of the whiskey bottle.

It had been a couple months since he had lost them.

His band.

His brothers.

He missed them all so much.

But he missed Reggie the most.

When Luke and Alex has started dating for a little while when they were 16, Reggie and Bobby naturally got even closer than they had been.

And even after Luke and Alex decided to just be friends, Reggie and Bobby stayed very close.

And Bobby just couldn't be in a world without them anymore.

He had grabbed some pill bottles, and started swallowing collections of pills as he drank the whiskey.

Bobby held his arm, rubbing his hand over right where Reggie always used to grab onto him.

He had gotten a bass guitar tattooed there.

He had gotten a lot of tattoos done since the boys had died.

All the ones except for the bass were on his back.

A giant Sunset Curve logo.

Lyrics to Now or Never.

Instruments representing the whole band.

A millennium falcon.


Reggie's line 'Tell Your Friends' written in his handwriting.

Any of the space in between the tattoos was filled with small designs and shapes.

Bobby's head was spinning now.

He felt the soft fabric of his crewneck sweater in his hands.

Reggie had given it to him for his birthday last year.

It was Star Wars themed.

Bobby took another swig of the whiskey.

And hummed one of Reggies's county songs until he passed out.

He woke up in a dark room.

It was quiet.

Until Bobby started crying.

This wasn't right.

He was supposed to be with his boys again.

He didn't want to be alone for all time.

To sit in the dark silence forever.

Bobby wrapped his arms around himself and sobbed.

He just wanted to be with the guys.

To be with Reggie.

Eventually Bobby stopped crying.

His body too exhausted to exert the energy anymore.

So Bobby played with his hoodie, and held onto his arm like Reggie used to do.

And he sat in the dark room, until he heard the start of one of Reggie's songs.

His favorite.

Your chocolate brown eyes glow in the firelight
I'm singing while you dance with the fireflys
Sticky fingers from the s'mores
But I could never ask for more
You'll never know but I love you and it's past midnight

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