Bad Memories (Luke x Reggie)

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Mentions physical abuse and hate speech. 

Reggie was alone in the studio again.

Alex was out with Willie.

Ever since they had reunited they had spent the majority of their time together.

And Luke was at his parents again.

Reggie knew how important it was for Luke to go to see them.

Julie was at Flynn's.

Carlos and Ray were at Carlos's baseball game.

So Reggie was completely alone.

He had strummed on his bass for a little bit.

Now he was digging through the stuff in the loft.

He pulled out a box, opening it.

It was filled with pictures of the four of them; Luke, Reggie, Alex, and Bobby.

Reggie pulled out one of Luke with his arms wrapped around Reggie from behind, pressing a kiss to Reggie's cheek.

The day Luke asked Reggie to be his boyfriend.

The day before everything went wrong.

When Reggie opened the door he knew something was wrong.

His parents's car was here and there wasn't any shouting.


Reggie walked into the living room where his parents stood.

"Reginald, can you explain why this was in your room,"His mother asked holding up one of Luke's t-shirts.

"That's Luke's, He must've left that over here when he slept over,"Reggie said.

"And what about this,"His mother asked waving a journal.

His journal, that had everything in it.

"You're a fag ,"His father said.

Reggie didn't say anything, he stayed silent.

"Answer me,"His father shouted.

Reggie flinched when he saw his father's hand raise.

Luke's my boyfriend."

His father's hand slapped his face.

Reggie immeadiatly covered where the mark was.

"Steve, don't,"His mother started stepping forward.

His father turned to his mother, his fist clenching.

"You defending this faggot ,"He asked.

"He's our son,"She said.

"Doesn't matter,"His father said, his fist raising.

"No, don't hurt her,"Reggie said moving in front of his mother.

His father's fist punched him, throwing him to the ground.

Reggie curled up as his father kicked at his back, and at his stomach.

"Steve, stop you're hurting him,"His mother begged, but his father continued.

"You get outta here,"His father said,"Grab your stuff and get out in 5 minutes."

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