"How are we going to do that?" Pansy asked.

"I think we should wait until the dragon hatches," Draco answered.

"Are you mad?" Tracey demanded. "Draco, a dragon at Hogwarts will be disastrous."

Harrison shook his head. "No Tracey, I think that Draco's right." Everyone looked at him to elaborate. "There's no way a dragon can stay at Hogwarts without being found so they'll need to get rid of it, chances are Ron and his minions will be the ones doing it, from what I've heard Hagrid won't give up any of his animals without a fight. So I'm ninety nine percent sure it will be here until it hatches, all we have to do is find out when that's going to be and inform Severus."

"But Leo said that telling Sev would only get Hagrid into trouble," Jenna said slowly.

Harrison closed his eyes briefly, he loved his best friends but sometimes he wished some of them were quicker on the uptake.

"Harrison meant that if we wait until the dragon hatches Weasley and his two idiotic friends will go down to see it," Blaise chimed in looking eager to get someone into trouble. "There's no way they won't get into trouble for helping hatch a dragon, especially since it's on school grounds."

A smirk appeared on Pansy's face. "Brilliant."

The Slytherins spent the next two weeks taking turns using Harrison's invisibility cloak to check if the dragon had hatched. Finally one morning Pansy peered through the window and saw her three least favorite Gryffindors, Hagrid and a baby dragon that looked as though it had just hatched. It was black with wings that were too small for its body and creepy orange eyes. She smirked and ran off to tell the others.

"How long do you think until they'll try to get rid of it?" Tracey asked.

"I'm not sure, most likely it will be soon though," Harrison told them. "You can't have a dragon unnoticed for too long, especially not once it starts to grow. Uncle Lucius said that one of Ron's older brother works with dragons, I'd bet my broomstick that Ron will write to him to pick it up. If any of you see him receive an owl, try to get the letter."

Another two weeks past until finally it was the beginning of March. Harrison was sitting with Graham Montague and Cameron Warrington laughing about how badly Hufflepuff beat Gryffindor in the latest quidditch match when Draco barged into the common room looking excited.

Harrison excused himself then walked over to his best friend. "What's up Draco? You never barge into the common room like that."

"I know when Weasley will be getting rid of the dragon," Draco said, pulling a piece of parchment from his pocket. "I heard from Terry that Weasley was in the hospital wing so I went to give my sincerest well wishes."

Harrison smirked, he knew that was code for he went to mock him.

"Pomfrey wouldn't just let me go in to the infirmary so I made up an excuse, saying I needed to borrow a book, and inside the book was a note from his brother. Can you believe the idiot left it in a book where anyone could find it?" Draco finished with an eye roll.

Harrison snorted, he could imagine the Gryffindor doing that. Harrison looked down at the parchment Draco handed him and read.

Dear Ron,

How are you? Thanks for the letter - I'd be glad to take the Norwegian Ridgeback, but it won't be easy getting him here. I think the best thing will be to send him over with some friends of mine who are coming to visit me next week. Trouble is, they mustn't be seen carrying an illegal dragon.

Could you get the Ridgeback up the tallest tower at midnight on Saturday?

They can meet you there and take him away while it's still dark.

Send me an answer as soon as possible.



"Naughty Gryffindor isn't he?" Harrison asked as he crumpled up the letter. "Now all we need to do is wait until Saturday and then we'll tell Gracelyn."

"Gracelyn?" Draco asked in surprise. "Why not just tell Sev now."

Harrison tossed the crumpled letter into the fireplace. "If we told Severus now he would go to Hagrid now, and if we told right before midnight McGonagall would find out it was us and assume we knew all along and just waited to get Ron and his friends into trouble. Which is true of course, but she doesn't need to know that. So on Saturday we'll tell Gracelyn, after all she is head girl. None of the older students go to bed until after midnight on Saturday's anyway."

Draco smirked. "I wonder how many points he'll lose for Gryffindor this time."

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