ᑕᕼᗩᑭTᗴᖇ 33

566 25 4

Karina rested her chin on her palm as she watch the creatures lurk in the hall freely. She's standing and leaning on the upper floor of the hall where a few people. Or entities are also therelooking at her.

On her right hand, holding her gun. Both her knives are ready to pull on her thigh. She's actually alone when she came on that spot. Disregarding Heeseung's advice to take a vampire with her.

Her eyes freely roamed around the hall. From the busy creatures and staffs. Looking at every creature no matter how rude it may look to them.
For her it was just a sight to see. To see this creatures existing along with vampires and more.

And to think, just as what HueningKai called it. Their sanctuary seemed to be now a Hotel for monsters. Though it wasn't just monsters who lived in that sanctuary.

Unlike from the cartoon series, the sanctuary is very dangerous as it is also inhabited with demons, souls and other evil entities.

It was a question that lingered to her. It's no question that Heeseung is probably behind the gathering of all creatures and entities. But why would he include entities if he knows they might harm the other innocent creatures.

"Right... He can control minds..." she whispered to herself.

But then she thought. What if a ruckus really happen? What if someone kill someone?

Then again Ningning have precognition dreams. So Heeseung can see before hand and think of a way to prevent the killings.

Karina snickered with pure astonishment. Heeseung remains as powerful and resourceful.

"I wish I can be proud of you..." she whispered smiling to herself.

Then a few seconds only. A familiar arms embraced her small waist into a cold yet comfortable feeling.
Karina isn't really a fan of anything cold. But it was only his touch that can make her comfortable with it.

Heeseung rested his chin on her left shoulder tightening his grip on her waist.

"You can always be proud of me... I don't really mind..." he whispered to her ears sending a tickling sensation to her.

"I thought I said take someone from my friends if you're planning to roam here... The sanctuary isn't safe for strangers..." he said chuckling.

"Shouldn't you be saying mortals?" She asked stroking his arms slowly.

"Beomgyu and the girls are mortals uet they work here. They're friends with them and so no one can harm them as long as I'm alive." He said.

"So me and my team are really the strangers..."

"To them... You're nowhere near a stranger to me..."

Heeseung pulled the girl to face him pinning her body on the grills. Their faces only an inch apart.

"I missed you..." he said staring deeply into her dark orbs. Karina placed her gun back to its harness before wrapping her arms around his neck. Eventually pulling him closer for a longing and slow kiss.

The two kissed under the dimmed chandelier as if it was just the two of them in that exact location despite all the eyes that are now staring at them.

Heeseung didn't fail to express how much he missed her. Keeping himself busy never really made him feel complete. He always felt like a part of him is so far away. That something is missing.
Rather it be someone.

"We should go somewhere else..." he whispered pressing his forehead on hers

"But I like it here..."

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