ᑕᕼᗩᑭTᗴᖇ 25

477 19 4

"Spread out! And take everything we can use!" Yeonjun ordered as his eyes continue to scan the burnt sanctuary.

After the attack at their base, they received a report of a burning sanctuary suddenly appearing out of nowhere.

The coincidence is that the snactiary appeared to be in the same house where Taehyun and Karina thought to be their targets' residence.

Upon their arrival, the first thing Yeonjun noticed are the spooky aura that the sanctuary was pridefully screaming. That surely, not even a normal teenage can stand in front if it for atleast a minute.

When they entered, the burnt that melted almost everything in the sanctuary first greeted them. The place is basically stable due to the fire which mysteriously died out.

"Yeonjun!" Soobin called gesturing the leader to follow him to the hallway.

Yeonjun walked towards the taller male as they both walked to what seemed like an endless tunnel. At the end of it, a black oak door is located.

They had no problem entering the room since the door is also burnt and destroyed.

The two scanned the room and the first thing they noticed is the huge portrait of a woman. She wears long and elegant red dress while holding a cup on her left hand. The portrait seemed to be painted and whoever painted it did a very outstanding job that the masterpiece looked like a captured image.

"She must be the witch that they talk about..." Soobin said. Yeonjun already saw the conversations that Soobin sent him from Taehyun and Karina.

"Sir! We found something you should see!" Said by another agent that suddenly appeared out of the room.

The agent led to them to what seemed like a washroom. There were six blood tub and the place is just brightened with so red.

Nothing reeks in the washroom and the blood are neatly staying in the tubs. Yeonjun scanned one of the tub and there were names written on it.

The names of their targets.

"There's more Sir!" The agent said amd led them to another room which looked like a library. And there, they saw a hige portrait with many creatures painted in it.

The image is of many people and other creatures standing in a ballroom. In the very middle is the same woman Yeonjun and Soobin saw a while ago. They also noticed six familiar faces which resembled the faces of their missing targets.

There are also unexplainable creatures. Better yet to describe them; is real-looking-monsters.

Soobin and Yeonjun went closer. And at the very left edge of the painting is written...
November 1, 1258
Masterpiece by Mr. Cairo
The Last Ball

"Isn't that Heeseung and his friends!?" Soobin pointed at the vampires with a bewildered expression.

Yeonjun looked around. Books were scattered and half of the library were burnt. Few books turned into ashes.

"Sir! This seemed to be the records of those in the portrait!" The agent said approaching them with a huge, dusty old book.

They went to the podium and there they opened the records.
Names were written beautifully but was crossed out. They were also marked with blood fingerprint and the word VANISHED.

"Take it and find whose fingerprint it is!" He said and the agent nodded taking the book with him.

The same agent that led them to the library brought them to another room.
The door had signage with the words GRAV-----. The words weren't finished because of the burnt.

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