f i f t y - t h r e e

Start from the beginning

Ginny would write to us occasionally, telling us about the horrors of Hogwarts now with Snape as the headmaster. I swear the things she would write about made me want to show up there and hex every single one of those bloody death eaters. But I couldn't. Fred and I began to work on a new line for the shop. Inventing new products to sell at the shop and testing them out on everyone who was left here. Charlie was allowed to go back to his works while Bill and Fleur were finally allowed to leave and go to Shell Cottage. Lucky them. They were no longer being watched and were free to go live their lives unlike the rest of us.

Daisy's POV

For fourteen days, Ron and I walked around aimlessly. Not knowing where we were or where we were going. Feeling lost, hungry, and cold. Most nights we slept behind shops that would give off heat in the winter and Ron would keep me warm. Knowing that George would want him to.

We managed to find scraps of food in some places and if we were lucky some change that was dropped on the ground. We were a bit weak but managing. He came around after a while and realized what he did and said was wrong and insisted that we find our way back so that is what we were doing.

Ron and I were making our way through the forest in hopes to stumble upon Harry and Hermione. As we got deeper and deeper into the forest we found that we weren't alone. Before we knew it we were greeted by three death eaters.  Ron and I drew our wands and got ready to run.

"I don't think you want to do that," One said as I gripped my wand tightly.

"Let us go," Ron said.

"We have our orders and we heard that this little one was no longer under the protection of the Weasley family," Another spoke as he looked at me, "Seems like we were wrong."

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Simple. You. Bellatrix sent us to find you. It was hard a first but now since you aren't with Potter and that mudblood you were easy to find."

"Watch it," Ron protested as he pointed his wand at the Death Eater who just insulted Hermione.

"Hand her over Weasley," One said as he looked over at Ron.

"No," Ron said firmly.

"Ron," I whispered as I placed my hand on his forearm, lowering his arm for him, "it's okay. I have to do this."

"Daisy, no what about George and the others?"

"I will be fine. Find them and help them, they need you. Then come looking for me," I hushed.

"What do I tell George when he asks where you are if I don't find you?"

"The truth," I said as I handed him my wand.

"Daisy don't do this to him," Ron said as he looked down at me.

"Trust me. Now go and find them," I said before turning back to the Death Eaters, walking over to them as the fear in my body rose.

"Bellatrix will be so happy to see we have found you," One said as he grabbed my arms. Pinning them behind my back as Ron just watched.

"Go," I mouthed before I was gone. Finding myself in a dark house. The walls covered in dark art as there was a long table in the middle of the room that soon vanished.

"Wait here, while I go get her," The third death eater said as I was shoved to the ground. Here I was ready to meet my death.


After hours of painful torture and cries for help, Bellatrix was done with me for the day. Two of the Death Eaters who brought me here picked me up off the cold floor before carrying me down to a cold dark room. My legs sliding along the ground as they felt too weak to carry myself. Down each step we went my knees would hit first. My head drooped as I felt my eyelids become heavy. Exhaustion was overcoming my body as I meet another cold hard gournd. My hands breaking my fall as I rolled over onto my back. Feeling one hover over me as they grabbed my face. Squeezing my cheeks as he brought his face closer to mine.

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