She looked around her room and felt her smile grow. She had just finished decorating her room the day before with the help of the house elves. Her walls were light green with silver trim and the white marble floor sparkled under her feet. She had a fireplace that was adorned with picture frames, her mother smiled from the pictures. She even had one that had been taken at the Malfoy Christmas ball with Harrison. Several white couches sat in front of the fireplace as well as two unusual looking chairs. The chairs were twice the height of normal chairs and the back of them were five feet tall. She had a king size bed with a silver silk comforter and large plush light green pillows. A night stand on either side held more pictures and a dresser had two clear vases filled with exotic flowers. A bookcase was filled with books purchased by Bellatrix and Tom, while shelves held games and trinkets.

She had a bathroom the size of most peoples bedrooms with a pool sized tub and a shower big enough for twenty people. Her closet was exceedingly huge and was filled to the brim with more clothes than she'd owned in her entire life combined. Narcissa had taken her to a place called Melrose Alley where they spent an entire day shopping. She had robes of every color and made from every material. She had pants for every occasion and more pairs of workout clothes than there were hours in the day. Tom told her that no ward of his would dress in anything other than the best.

She had barely slept more than five hours a night since Harrison left for Hogwarts. She had spent the past month being trained by the Dark Lord's Death Eaters. Bellatrix was teaching her beginners Dark Arts while Lucius taught her about politics in the wizarding world. Tom even had several of the spouses of Death Eaters training her including Narcissa who was giving her etiquette and dancing lessons. She was learning all of the spells first and second years learned at Hogwarts as well as those that are banned from the school.

Luna had been surprised she was able to pick up the spells quickly. She knew that most magical people couldn't perform magic that wasn't accidental before they turned eleven and if they could it was only simple spells. She had never seen visions of her training at this age, only when she was older so she hadn't known what to expect. She enjoyed the theory lessons as well as the practical ones. Bellatrix was an interesting teacher to say the least albeit a perfectionist.

Tom also thought it would be a good idea to 'get rid of any sense of compassion or kindness' she might feel towards those he deemed unworthy. She had been taken to the dungeons several times to witness prisoners being tortured and interrogated. He told her it was so she could get used to witnessing such things, and if she were to witness it now she'd be less inclined to feel sympathy towards them later. She admitted to Bellatrix that she loved hearing the screams of pain echo around the dungeons. And the sight of blood made her feel a sense of excitement, it was the same when she had violent visions.

Every time she had a vision she would record it in a charmed journal. Everything she wrote in the leather bound notebook was sent to a matching one that Tom had. Lately she had been having more visions than usual and a lot of them had to do with screams echoing around a campsite as green light illuminated the scene.

Luna walked over to her desk and pulled out writing supplies. She dipped her eagle feather quill in black ink and began writing.

Dear Harrison,

I am happy to hear that you're becoming closer to your new friends. I've never had a friend until you and I know how much it means to consider one a friend.

Lessons with Bellatrix have gone really well, she said that I'm a natural at Dark Arts and gave me a few books to read. I will admit, I love the feel of Dark Magic. Every time I cast a dark spell I can fill it caressing my core and it makes me want to cast more. Bellatrix told me that it was normal.

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