Depuis le début

Again, the man named Stan Shunpike appeared with the Knight Bus. He spared me one look. 

"Oh, it's you again! Where are you heading to now?" He asked brightly as he helped me bring my trunk up to the bus. 

"The Leaky Cauldron please." I said as I handed him twelves sickles. 

• • •

I arrived at The Leaky Cauldron at four o'clock in the afternoon, tea time. I entered the pub, much like I had done a week earlier and walked up to the land owner. 

"And what are you doing here again, girly?" The man asked. 

"I would like a room please." I said, hiding the urge to light something on fire for being called 'girly'. 

"How old are you again, sweetheart?" He asked, still not believing my brilliant lie. 

"Fourteen, sir." I said as I straighten my shoulders. 

"And do you have money to pay for the room?" 

"I do." I said with a hard look. 

The man grumbled under his breath, before he reluctantly gave me a key to room number sixteen. I said my thank yous' and head over to my assigned bedroom. 

Once I got there, I sat on the bed and reviewed my plan. I had to go to Gringotts for money, but I had no idea if I would be able to go alone. Remus had given me a copy of the original key, but I am not sure if it would be enough. Besides the Daily Prophet was really keen on discovering who the real Rose Potter was, and I was not about to give myself to the reporters, so obviously I had to use my metamorphmagus abilities. I also had to make sure that I didn't bump into anyone I knew in my way there, otherwise they would most likely ask why i'm there on my own. 

I sighed and went into the bathroom to change into a lighter jumper, since the weather was reasonably warmer than in Edale. 

I went back down the pub, and into Diagon Alley. Diagon Alley wasn't as packed as it had been last year, but there was a reasonable number of people. I walked with my head hung-low, my wand in the back-pocket of my trousers, my arms crossed over my chest, and my hair in a strawberry-blonde colour. 

I walked inside Gringotts, strodding all the way up to the front desk. The Goblin was once more scribbling rapidly into a piece of parchment. 

I cleared my throat loud enough for the goblin to pick up his head and stare at me in disgust. 

"I would like to make a withdrawal from my vault." I spoke in a clear and steady voice. 

"Name?" The goblin asked with a cocked up eyebrow. 

"Rose Potter." I said boldly. I took the key out of my pocket and placed it in the desk. 

"Very well, Miss Potter." The goblin said. 

• • • 

After accessing the money from my vault, I left the bank as quickly as possible. Journalists from the Daily Prophet were crowded outside the bank, I quickly changed my hair into a hazel brown colour. It seemed like it worked, because the reporters didn't bat an eye in my direction.  

Suddenly, a hand grabbed onto my wrist and pulled me into an alley. I grabbed my wand and pointed it at the stranger's chest. My hand dropped as I saw the person's factions, brown hair and sharp jaw. 

"Next time you could just say 'hi', Adrian." I said with a shaky voice as I glared at the Slytherin boy. 

"And where's the fun in that, Lightbourn?" He asked cheekly. I couldn't help but notice how he was reasonably handsomer than he had been a couple of weeks back. He had also gotten taller, which is saying something because Adrian had always been tall. 

"Is there something you need, or did you just pull me into an alley to scare me?" I asked as I looked around. 

"I saw you leaving Gringotts and you were alone, so I wanted to make sure you were alright." Pucey said as he passed a hand through his hair. 

"Oh— Er... I was changing my muggle money into wizard's money." I lied with confidence, the Slytherin cocked an eyebrow but nodded. 

"And why are you all alone?" He asked, looking around for any sign of a parent. 

"I have a room at the Leaky for a few days." I told him as we started walking through the crowded street of Diagon Alley, apparently the news of Rose Potter being in the bank traveled fast. 

"Oh." Was all he said, he then looked around and smiled. "Have you ever tasted the ice-cream at Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour, Rose?" 

"No, why?" I asked as I followed his gaze. Adrian was looking over to an Ice cream shop, most specifically, Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour. 

"I'll buy you one." Adrian said with a grin as he grabbed onto my hand, and pulled me over to the shop. The boy's eyes were shining with excitement, so much so that I felt pathetic for judging him before I even met him. 

"Which one do you want?" Adrian asked me as he put both his hands on his waist, he gazed over at the different flavours at the parlour. There were many flavours in display, but there was one that caught my attention. 

"Is the butterbeer flavoured one good?" I asked him as I turned my attention back to his face. 

"That's my favourite." He said with a smile, he then scrunched up his nose and cocked his eyebrow at me. "How would you know how butterbeer tastes like? You are a muggle-born and I am sure you haven't been to Hogsmeade." 

"Fred and George's older brother kept some in his bedroom, we snuck in last term so I got to try it." I informed him as I shuddered at the traumatacing memory.  

"Alright well— Sir? Can we have two butterbeer ice cream flavour ones please?" Adrian asked the man on the counter. The man smiled and scooped us two cones and filled them with said ice cream. 

Adrian thanked the man and payed the due amount. 

"I could've paid for my own, you know?" I told the Slytherin boy after we sat down on one of the tables outside the shop. 

"Nonsense," He said as he shook his head. "I asked if you wanted an ice cream, that means that I am offering to buy you one, Rose." He laughed and continued to devour his treat. 

"It still feels weird." I commented. "You calling me 'Rose'." 

"That's your name, is it not?" Adrian said as he let out a chuckle. 

"It is." I said quietly as I allowed my eyes to wonder down to the street. 

"How do you feel about finally not having me as your potion's partner?" I asked him after a minute of silence. 

He let out a struggle laugh as he turned to look at me with a slight smile on his face. "As a matter of fact, it seems like you still have to deal with me for another whole year." 

Now it was my turn to stare. "What? Why?" 

"Because Snape thinks i'm only doing well because you are helping me." He said as he looked away from my eyes. 

"That's— That's... rubbish!" I exclaimed as I ate more of my ice cream. 

"No it's not." He admitted. "He's right, you're the only one keeping me from getting a 'T' on his class." 

"Well if you put a little more of effort, that wouldn't be much of a problem, now would it?" I asked him with a sarcastic and playful tone. 

He laughed at my words, I laughed along with him, and that is how I spend my afternoon. 

The Lost Potter [Fred Weasley/ Adrian Pucey]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant