Chapter 19 Hunters Will Be Hunted

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Notice#2, 2019: I think I fixed the issue with the chapters that are missing, if not, please let me know 💜

NOTICE: Chapters 18 and 20 are unfortunately marked as private for unknown reasons and I cant change them back. If you wish to read those chapters, following me will make them appear or else, you can find them on Quotev dot com under the same username! Have a great day! :D

A/N:Heavy Violence up ahead

- But he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath done: and there is no respect of persons.
Colossians 3:25 

    The next day you met with Jeff once again after you had prepared and the both of you immediately started off towards the town. Newly fallen snow had added an extra layer to the already fallen one, but luckily this time, the sky was still covered with heavy clouds, making the deep forest seem even darker than it already was, and you had added another t-shirt under your hoodie, so you were pretty much protected. So once again you made your way through the forest with complete silence falling over the two of you. At first, you were surprised by this fact, since you really believed that both of you were past this stage, but after some attempts to start a conversation that were replied by mere groans, it wasn't too hard to guess that he was still mad about the other day.

   But it wasn't up to you anymore, since you had told him the truth and he still doesn't believe it, so it wasn't your fault in the slightest. Walking through the forest though, you couldn't help but feel an uneasy feeling rise up deep inside your guts. You couldn't explain nor where it came from or what it meant. It was far than enough though to make you be on edge, peering around you and using your enhanced senses to the fullest in case something happened along the way. Because something was going to happen. And you knew it.

    So when you walked in one of the furthest streets of your hometown, you let out a sigh of relief before you were able to control it. Jeff picked it up immediately and threw a serious glance towards you, over his shoulder.

  'You all right?' He asked.

'Yeah. It's just that I have a bad feeling today.' You say looking around at the empty road, as if you were expecting someone to pop up.

  'You don't have anything to worry 'bout. We go, we kill those f*ckers and be done for tonight. No wandering 'round.'

'Well still, I don't feel any better.'

 'Tsk. You're a pain.' He grumbles.

You laugh 'They told me I could be anything....'

Even he can't hold a laugh back at your words.

  '_____ how old are you?' he asks casually.

You stuff your hands in your pockets as you both make a turn in the town's main highway 'I'm seventeen. You?'

 'Nineteen. At least that's the age I stopped aging.' He says.

 'And how long are you nineteen?'

'So long that I ain't remembering. Toby and you  're the youngest ones in the family.'

'Who is the oldest then? Other than Slendy of course.'

He laughs and turns towards you, so that his never-blinking eyes are locked in your orange ones 'If he hears you calling him that, not even I can save you from him.' He says darkly 'The oldest are Sally, LJ and EJ. Though EJ might be the oldest of us all. He lived before Slender even found him.'

  'How come Sally doesn't grow then?'

He shrugs 'It's different for the kiddo. I guess she was so f*cked up that she froze. You, aint letting her out of your sight though.'

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