The next pile was from his friends from other houses. He honestly hadn't expected anything from them even though he did send them all something. He grabbed a small box which turned out to be from Hermione, inside was a snowy owl feather quill. Neville sent him a book entitled Magical Water Plants of the Highland Lochs,he smiled to himself; leave it to Neville to give him a book on plants. Susan Bones sent him a book on quidditch tactics and Hannah Abbott sent him a book on a sport call 'Quodpot'. He got two chocolate frogs from Terry Boot and a couple cauldron cakes from Anthony Goldstein. Lisa Turpin gave him a book on different dragon breeds and Roger Davies sent him a book on other wizarding schools. Padma Patil sent him a black leather photo album with his name on the front written in gold, there were only two pictures inside. One was of Harrison with all of the Ravenclaw first years taken right before the holiday break and the other was of Harrison and Padma on that same day laughing at a joke Michael had told. He set the photo album down by the one from Odette and Ophelia. He smiled, now he has somewhere to put all of his new photos. He has photo albums, but they're all full and so was the one from the Warrington twins.

"I've never seen so much candy in my life," Harrison said as he grabbed another present.

"Nor have I," Tom said as he looked at the boxes of candy.

"Thank you Tom," Luna said and Harrison looked at the pile next to her.

There were several winter cloaks and what appeared to be silk summer cloaks. There was a small box of candy and a silver hand mirror with her name engraved on the handle with emeralds. A small box was laying by her feet, he could see over a dozen hair clips and ribbons. There was a pile of books ranging from beginners Dark Arts to Divination.

"You're welcome," Tom replied.

Harrison noticed that Luna's eyes looked wet and he frowned. He normally didn't care about the feelings over others unless they were his best friends or someone he cared about. But knowing that they'd one day be close made Harrison want to make sure she was okay.

"Are you alright?" Harrison asked as he sat the half unwrapped present down.

"I'm fine," Luna gave him a small smile. "I've just never had such nice things." She ran her hand over a pair of diamond earrings. "And until last night, I'd never even held a diamond let alone wear them and now I have another pair."

Harrison grinned. "You'll get used to it, my dad has an obsession with spending money."

Tom glared at him, but it was half hearted.

Luna laughed quietly, but it soon turned into full blown laughter. Harrison wore a bemused expression and Tom looked at her as though he was debating whether or not to call a healer or just stun her.

"What's so funny?" Harrison asked almost hesitantly.

Luna's laughter slowly subsided. "It's just so funny." She shook her head. "The Dark Lord has a reputation for murder and torture and I know that he does those things because I've seen it. And I could tell that he took joy in causing pain." She paused. "But, it's hard to picture him going shopping especially for kids."

Harrison snorted at the image of his dad wearing black robes and a scowl browsing Honeyduke's for Christmas candy. He was glad that he had control over his emotions because if he didn't, he would've most likely been laughing until he couldn't breathe.

"You're right," Harrison admitted. "It is hard to picture."

"I rarely go to stores," Tom cut in looking annoyed. "That's what house elves are for."

Harrison shot his dad an amused look and couldn't stop from grinning when Tom glared at him. He was both surprised and glad that his father wasn't acting any different than he normally did on Christmas. He had been slightly worried that his father would act harsher because Luna was there and he never let his soft side show around others. He then picked up his half open present that was from his godparents.

Narcissa and Lucius sent him a pair of dragon hide boots with built in warming and drying charms. They also sent him a green cloak with the same charms. Severus sent him his usual gift of potion ingredients, the man is really unoriginal. Bellatrix sent him a book called Secrets of the Darkest Arts. It looked to be extremely old and the black leather was pealing.

"Let me see that," Tom said sharply. Without waiting for a reply he summoned the book.

"What's wrong?" Harrison asked frowning.

Tom looked down at the front cover and his lips thinned. He opened it up and flicked through the pages until he was halfway through the book. He waved his wand, but didn't say anything, and Harrison saw a silver mist come out of his wand. He closed the book and levitated it into Harrison's lap.

"What did you do?" Harrison asked as he scanned the pages until he came across several blank ones. "Why are there some blank pages?"

"There is something in there I don't want anyone to see," Tom answered curtly. "There's a reason why that book can't be pulled from the shelf it's placed in our library." Harrison opened his mouth, but Tom held up a hand. "Don't ask anything further."

Harrison hesitantly nodded and went back to his presents. He had a present from every member of the inner circle and most of the outer circle as well. Even a few of the Death Eaters from the ranks sent him gifts, those from the ranks just wanted to kiss up to him. It didn't matter to him though, a present was a present. Finally he was down to one pile, the gifts from his father. He had always saved those ones for last.

Harrison tore into the first present which was a medium sized box wrapped in silver paper, inside was a gold wizards chess set. He smiled, he had recently lost his old set of wizard's chess and he had complained to his father about it. He set the pieces down next to the board from Draco. The next box had a set of books, a six series set on advanced offensive magic. Another box held another book entitled Curses and Counter Curses by Vindictus Viridian, the back said bewitch your friends and befuddle your enemies with the latest revenge tactics: hair loss, jelly-legs, tongue-tying, and much, much more. Harrison was surprised his father bought him a book he knew Tom considered juvenile, but he didn't say anything. He received several cloaks, a black money pouch with an undetectable extension charm on it so he could place whatever he wanted besides money inside, and of course more books. Riddle Manor had an insanely large library, but Harrison liked keeping books he enjoyed in his room. He opened a large box that turned out to be a solid gold cauldron and a small black velvet box contained a gold watch.

"Thank you father," Harrison grinned. "I loved everything."

Tom inclined his head. "You're welcome."

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