Start from the beginning

I said my goodbyes to Annie, and walked off to potions with Slytherins. On my way there, a hand grabbed onto my wrist and pulled me back. I instinctively pointed my wand at the person, only to put it back down when my eyes connected with his dark brown.  

"Hi, Lee." I fake-grinned. 

"Don't you 'Hi Lee' me, Rose Lightbourn!" He hissed as he pointed a finger at my face. My face immediately paled. "What were you thinking, Rose?!" 

"What are you talking about?" 

"Oh you know exactly what i'm talking about!" He said as he huffed in fake amusement. "You lied to him!" 

"I did not" I lied in an undertone. I averted my gaze from his. 

"Yes you did!" He snapped. "Don't you see? This lie is going to tear you down! Someone has to tell him!" 

I yanked his collar fiercely so that his face was at my level. "Don't you dare tell him, Lee Jordan. He can't know." 

Lee tore himself away from my grasp. "Whatever, they are your feelings the ones you're fucking up." He walked past me and into the potions room. 

Taking a deep breath, I walked into the room. Scanning it quickly, until my eyes fell in my designated seat. 

"Morning, Pucey." I greeted as I sat besides him and took my book out from my bag. 

He glanced at me and smiled in victory. "Morning, Lightbourn. How are you?" 

"Oh, i'm fine. Just had a row with a friend, you?" I asked as I flipped through my book. 

"I'm quite well, Lightbourn. Thank you for asking." The Slytherin boy beamed at me. It was only then, that I noticed that I had been talking to him as if he were my friend. I shook my thoughts away as Snape entered the room.  

"You will be working in groups of three." Snape said in his monotone voice. He then began listing off who would work with who. 

"Jordan, Weasley, Spinnet." He said, both twins smirked. 

"Which Weasley, Professor?" Fred asked with a sly smirk. 

"The other one." Snape said, clearly annoyed at Fred's amusement. He began listing students again. "Pucey, Lightbourn, and other Weasley." 

My eyes went wide, my gaze connected to Fred and he gave an honest smile. I returned his smile, only to gulp once he turned away. The guilt of lying to my best friend, crashing into me again. 

"This should be fun." Pucey whispered in my ear. 

"Very." I said sarcastically. Fred, wearing his famous 'Fred Weasley smirk', strud over the table and took the seat to my left side. 

"Morning, Rosie!" He grinned happily, narrowing his eyes at Pucey. 

"Hi, Fred." I said, relieved that he hadn't figured out the lie. 

"Page 109, Fire-breathing solution. Everything that you need is in the storage cupboard. Begin." Snape said as he stalked towards his desk. 

I opened the said page, and read over the ingredients. 

"Fred, would you mind getting the ingredients from the cupboard?" I asked as I turned to him. He was playing with his wand under the table, while simultaneously bouncing his leg up and down. 

"Alright!" He said brightly, he stood up only to seat back down again and lean into the desk.  "Rose, would you mind telling me which ingredients do we need?" 

"We need—" Pucey began but Fred shushed him. 

"I asked Rose, Pucey!" Fred snarled. 

"Wanna go, Weasley?" Pucey growled. 

The Lost Potter [Fred Weasley/ Adrian Pucey]Where stories live. Discover now