Only Human

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There is only so much

A person can take

Before they snap.

It is only natural,

Wouldn't you agree?

Everyone has a limit.

It is only a matter of time

Before it is reached.

It doesn't matter

Who you are


Who you think you are.

You will snap at some point.

Even the most patient snap.

It is only natural,

Wouldn't you agree?

It is true

Some last longer than others.

Some last less.

It is all only natural.

We are all

Only human,

After all.

It does not make us evil.

What we choose does that.

Choice is only natural.

Is it not

A part of what makes us human?

Or is it something else?


More of a divine nature perhaps?

I do not believe any human could answer that definitively.

It is a part of what makes us human after all,

Is it not?

We are all

Only human

After all.

Stephen Grellet, "I shall pass through this world but once. Any good, therefore, that I can do or any kindness I can show to any human being, let me do it now. Let me not defer it or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again."

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