We Are Not Disposable

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Who do you think you are

Trying to tell us how to survive

In the world you destroyed

When we are telling you

Exactly what needs to be done

To fix the problems you created.

Why is it our responsibility

To fix what you destroyed?

Why can't you do any of the heavy lifting?

We are suffering

Because of the choices you made.

We are doing everything in our power

To make sure we have a future.

And yet,

You and everyone like you

Is doing their damndest

To make sure we fail.

Instead of helping us,

You are forcing us to suffer.

Can't you just help us survive?

Why must you push us down?

Kill us.

Maim us.

Do everything in your power to keep the status quo.

But just remember one thing.

We will never stop

Until we are all able to live

In a world

That doesn't believe

We are disposable objects.

Neil LaBute, "We live in a disposable society. It's easier to throw things out than to fix them. We even give it a name - we call it recycling."

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