You Never Cared

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There is so much

I wish I could have said

But I know you wouldn't have listened

To what I had to say.

No matter how hard I try

You won't ever listen to me.

That's what hurts me the most.

Knowing you won't even give me the basic respect

Of listing to what I have to say

Because of your own selfish pride.

I hate that I would do for you

What you would never do for me.

It's frustrating knowing

That you don't care

About what I am feeling.

I don't know why I still care.

I shouldn't,

But I do.

And that only makes everything hurt all the more.

You never noticed

That I was hurting

Until I was gone.

Ryan Ross, "For a while there I wasn't sure that anybody cared about being the best at anything, and it's nice to have a group of guys that feel like we're doing it for the cause. Maybe we're just really young and naïve for thinking music can matter, but it does to us."

In Your HeadWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt