f o r t y - f i v e

Start from the beginning

"You're back!" He cheered as he flung the oven mitten off and ran over towards me.

"Well, I finished early and then figured you boys would need something to eat. But it looks like you have that converted," I said as George wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me off the ground.

"Well almost," Fred said.

"Sort of," George replied as he set my feet back on the ground. Sliding his hands off my waist as he grabbed my hand and led me over towards the kitchen.

"We really aren't that good in the kitchen," Fred commented.

"Momm taught us nothing," George said.

"Nonsense," I said, dropping George's hand. Walking around the countertop, rolling my sleeves up. As I prepared to finish making whatever these two were up to.

"Oh no you don't," George said as he quickly grabbed my hands and led me away from the kitchen, "You are not stepping a foot in here. Freddie and I have it under control."

"Really? You have it under control?" I giggled.

"Yes," He said firmly.

"Okay well, whatever you have in the oven is burning. I can smell it."

"Damnit George," Fred protested as he stomped over to the oven and pulled the door open, letting all the smoke out and fill the kitchen. Covered my mouth with my hand to control my laughter, "I told you to keep an eye on that."

"I was. Then you needed my help," George sassed, storming back over towards his brother. As the two of them began to argue I excused myself towards George's room. I plopped myself down on the bed and closed my eyes. Pulling some of the comforter over my body as it ached for some peace and quiet and the twins were being anything but. 

After a few moments of some shut-eye, I heard the door swing open. My eyes popping open as I pushed myself up on the bed. George stood there with a panic look on his face. His hand holding on the door handle while his other arm pressed against the door frame making him look irresistible as he stood there in the doorway.

"Sorry," He said softly, "Um, we are going to see Molly and Arthur."

"Given up so quickly?" I teased as he narrowed his eyes down on me.

"Shut it, Black."

"Make me Weasley," I said as I got up off the bed and made my way over to George in the door frame.

"Oh I will," He boasted confidently as I ducked under his arm walking into the living room as George quickly slid his arm down stopping me, "later though."

"I'd like to see you try," I taunted as I grabbed his arm and moved him out of the way. Walking over to the fireplace as Fred was ready to go. Placing the pot of floor powder on the coffee table before he took a handful himself and called out for the Burrow. After Fred, I followed.

Arriving at the Burrow and before I could even get out of the fireplace Molly wrapped me in a hug. 

"Oh dearie," She cried, "I am so happy to see you."

"Same with you Molly. I have missed your cooking. Did you hear? The boys almost burnt down the place."

"Yes, Fred said it was George's fault," She giggled, pulling away from our embrace as I stepped out of the fireplace, just in time too.

"I would say that it was mutual between the two of them," I laughed as George now stood in the fireplace. Brushing off all the dirt that was on him now. Stepping out as he reached down a little and hugged Molly.

"Sorry, I was making sure the oven and stove were off," He said as Molly pulled away. Taking in one long look at her identical son. 

"No worries," Molly said, "We were just about to head into the kitchen for dinner. Come along." 

She motioned for us to follow her. Molly walked past me as I stood there in a trance staring at George. There was something about him right now. Something irresistible. George quickly grabbed my hand as he pulled me back to reality. Pulling me along as I walked behind him towards the kitchen where we could hear Fred and Arthur talking already. On the table laid a whole feast. Loaves of bread, lamb, mashed potatoes, vegetables, and much more. Only for the five of us. Arthur was already at the head of the table as usual as Molly took a seat next to him and Fred followed. While George and I took a seat across from Molly and Fred. Everyone immediately filling their plates and chowing down. The evening quickly filled with laughter as the five of us all sat around joking around with each other. The boys going on about new products that they were planning on creating and then putting up in the shop. Arthur going on about how muggles have their own line of pranks that were nothing like the twins. 

Fred finally got around to telling his parents about the girl he met and they were ecstatic and asked a million questions while George and I sat there. Telling them all about the trip he took to Italy to see her for a few days. He has me to thank for that. If he didn't tell George then that trip would not have happened. While it left George and me to the store for a few days, we were excited to see how in love he was when he got back

Once everyone was done eating the boys when to put up the new fence out in the back yard with Arthur while I stayed inside with Molly and helped her clean up the kitchen table and wash all the dishes.

"Molly," I said, looking over towards her, continuing to wash the dish I held in my hands.

"Yes sweetie," She cheered as she brought over a few more dishes for me

"Today when I was cleaning the boys' office at the shop, I found a letter that my father wrote to George a while back."

"Are you okay?" She asked as she placed a hand on my back.

"Yeah," I said, shaking my head, "It was very sweet."

"You're father was just looking out for you."

"Did he know that he was going to die before going to save Harry?" 

"I don't think any of us knew who was going to die. When we go into battles like that there is always a possibility. Our concerns were so much more on the children that I don't think they thought about the outcomes for themselves. I think your father wanted to leave you protected and safe," She comforted.

"I know," I breathed, "But he also gave George his blessing for when the time is right."

"That's a big step. Now don't worry about that. You two are far from that place but I have no doubt that that day will come when both of you are ready." 

Just then we heard the front door slam close. Around the corner came all three of the boys. Tired, sweaty, and smiling from ear to ear. Turning around as I watched George unroll his sleeves as he strode into the kitchen with Fred and Arthur to follow. His eyes looking me up and down as I felt like I was being undressed in his parents' kitchen

"Well mom, I think we should be heading back for the night," Fred said as he broke my train of thought. Walking over to Molly and placing a kiss upon her cheek before towering over her to hug his gentle and tiny mother. George was next to follow as he did the same thing. Saying his goodbyes as I walked over to Arthur and gave him a quick small hug before heading back over to Molly. Her arms open wide as she smiled, pulling me close.

"Don't worry too much," She whispered before we let go.

"Thanks, Molly. I appreciate it," I said before George was pulling me away to head back to the fireplace to head back to the loft. Grabbing a handful of Floo Powder and stepping into the fireplace. Calling out for the boys' place and dissapearing quickly. Walking out of the fireplace as I waited for the boys to follow. Once George stepped out his grabbed my hand not even waiting for Fred to arrive before he was pulling me off to his bedroom. Calling out to Fred goodnight as we heard him arrive back.

George quickly pulling me into the room as he closed the door behind me. Locking the door as he pressed my back against the door. Pinning my hands down as he lowered his lips towards mine. Making my heart begin to race as I could imagine what was going to happen next. 

"Now about where we left off," He gritted before smashing his lips to mine.

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