t h i r t y - o n e

Começar do início

"Yes Professor Umbridge," The three of us said in unison. 

"Mr. Weasley is there a reason why you are so close to Miss Black here. You two are well aware of the 8-inch rule. Are you not?"

"We are," George said adding fuel to the fire.

"Then why don't we have you join your brother on the other side," She spoke as she gestured for him to move.

"Gladly," He sassed back as he stood up. 

"Thank you for your cooperation," She said before turning away from us. On her way to ruin more lives.

"On that note, we should be going," Fred said as he stood up ready to leave.

"Where are you two off to?" I asked.

"Sell more Skiving Snackboxes," Fred said.

"Got to make money somehow," George said.

"Well be careful and don't get caught," I said as I looked up at them.

"No promises," Fred said quickly before he took off without his twin.

"Always," George said, "Meet me in the common room tonight at 11 o'clock."

"I won't see you at dinner? I wanted to talk to you about something."

"Fred and I have to serve detention with Severus. We can talk then. I am taking you somewhere," He said as he leaned closer.

"George come on man!" Fred yelled behind him as a loud shush came from Madam Irma's lips. 

"Trust me," He said before he pecked my cheek and then took off after his brother. I shook off my giggles as I continued studying for my test tomorrow. Ready and prepared to ace it.


As night time rolled around I was getting more anxious with each hour that passed. What could George possibly talk about? Was it why he was avoiding me? I guess I will have to find out. I just hope it wasn't bad. I rolled out of my bed around a quarter till 11. I was unable to sleep because I had so many questions.

I went to the bathroom where I had an outfit already laid out. I slipped off my pajama pants and replaced them with my favorite jeans. Throwing on one of the many sweaters that Molly had made of me and the quick;y brushed through my hair. Making sure it no longer looked like a rat's nest. 

I turned off the light seeing that it was 3 minutes till 11. Did I really take that long to get ready? I must have. As I left my room, I grabbed my converse and leaf my dorm, quietly. When I got down to the common room George wasn't in there. I sat down on the couch and slipped my shoes on. Moments later the main door opened and around the corner came the twins. They looked beat. 

"What did you two have to do?" I asked as I stood up from where I was sitting on the couch.

"You don't want to know," Fred sighed as he pushed past me and made his way to the couch. Plopping down as George took his robe off. 

"Let me guess. Clean the cauldron or write lines?" I asked as I had looked over towards Fred who was practically almost asleep over on the couch.

"You're the one who wants to guess," Fred said as he covered his face. Shielding it from the light of the fire roaring in the fireplace.

"Write lines?" 

"We have a winner!" Fred said through his hands. 

"Oh come on. It couldn't have been that bad,"

"Oh no. It was terrible. We had to write I will obey Professor Umbridge's rules over 500 times. I think my hand had forgotten how to work," George said as he pulled his tie off his neck. Letting it hang loose.

"Gross," I said as I looked George up and down. 

"Anyways, you ready to go?" George asked as he pulled me back into reality.

"Ready when you are," I said. 

"Where are you two off to this late at night?" Fred asked as he sat up straighter on the couch.

"I have no clue," I said.

"We are just going somewhere to talk," George said.

"Oh. Well have fun and don't get caught," Fred said.

"Thanks," I giggled as the two of us headed towards the door. George led the way as we made our way towards the Astronomy Tower.

As we reached the final steps I made my way over towards the ledge and looked out over the distance. George standing behind me. I turned around as I still had my hands placed on the railing as I looked towards him. His hair spiked up now as he had untied his tie.

"So Georgie what are we doing here?" I asked as I looked over at him. Watching at the moonlight lit up his face. 

"Well, I wanted to talk to you about something," He stated as he walked over towards me.

"Which is?" 

"I wanted to know how ready you are?" He asked me as he looked down towards the ground.

"Ready for what?" I questioned as I wrapped my arms around my torso.

"Because," He sighed, "I want to ask you to be my girlfriend."

"Is this why you have been avoiding me?" I asked as I made my way over towards him.

"Possibly. Maybe. Yes." He said as he was avoiding looking at me in the eyes. 

"Georgie," I smiled as I walked closer towards him. Reaching for his hands as I held them in mine. Letting my finger intertwine with his, "you should have just asked me." 

"I just wanted to give you space after what happened in Hogsmeade and between us," He said as his eyes finally met mine. Letting the moonlight twinkle within the deep brown ocean I was now swimming in, "I didn't want to ask you that night and pressure you."

"If you asked that night I would've said yes."

"And you answer tonight?" He asked as he stepped closer.

"Do I really have to answer?" I beamed at him as I brought our hands up towards our chests with each of my fingers lightly applying pressure between each knuckle.

"Yes," He joked with me, "Please tell me you will be my girlfriend. I don't expect a lot but I just want to be with you."

"Then yes, George Weasley,  I would love to be your girlfriend," I said as the biggest smile grew on my face.

solemnly mine ▫️ g.f.wOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora