Holding out his hand to shake mine, I took it up warmly. "Ash. It's good to see you, fatherhood suits you well!" I smiled at him gesturing to Logan. "He's your exact double! Except his eyes, he has his mother's eyes..."

"Hmm, and don't I know it! Calem its good to see you too, thank you for doing this for us, I know it will mean a lot to Serena..." Ash replied gratefully replied shaking my hand.

"It's no problem, I'm happy to do this! Ash, that's Dawn, my girlfriend." I pointed out in the crowd who is now speaking with Gary.

"Woah! Calem! That's brilliant you brought her, I'm really pleased! Serena will love to meet her, and I'm glad you found your happiness, you truly deserve it. And while your in town, I'd like if you to come and meet in my office, I have a business proposal I think you'd be perfect for." Ash asking contently.

"Dada. Where's mama?" He asked shyly hiding his face from me.

"Well Logan, mama will soon be walking up that aisle, in a beautiful big white dress, then she will stand here with dada and Uncle Calem, we're all going to say some big important words and then you my little man, will be helping Uncle Gary give dada this gold ring to put on mama's finger! Until then you gotta stand with Uncle Gary, then you give mama a big kiss!" Ash explained brilliantly to his son, it's beautiful to see something simple.

"Okay! Mama and dada getting married!" He said proudly to his dad.


A violin began playing a smooth melody signalling the Bride is here. The crowd gathered quickly standing watching Lillie come down first, adorning a magenta full length gown with sweetheart neckline, her wavy blonde hair loosely put up holding a small bouquet of flowers. Glancing over to my best man, he was for once speechless!

Next to come down was Shauna, the Maid of Honour. Wearing the same colour dress, with a sweetheart neckline and her hair put up again loosely. The girls looked lovely dressed up for Serena.

The music changed to an instrumental version of A Thousand Years. (Press Play Now).

With guests standing, and facing the entrance where the bride to be will walk down her red carpet to meet her husband to be. Serena came into my vision, and what what a vision she is. The music around me faded out, all I could hear is my own heartbeat.

It feels weirdly strange that everything we've been through together, seems like a dream. And every path we took, led us to be here. My ultimate heartfelt wish has always been that she will be mine. And now my eyes glazing over because her pure beauty glows brightly for all to see. There's not a dry eye in the room.

Beaming brightly, the dress hugged her beautiful curves in every way, sporting a mermaid style dress with a heart shaped neckline in an satin ivory colour, holding her bouquet, the hair curled down at the front while the rest was pulled back beautifully.

She smiled reaching up wiping a stray tear I hadn't realised I shed, my soul mate was beautiful inside and out. Holding out my hand closing my fingers round as she stood before me and a very happy Calem in the middle. Signalling to the right of me with my eyes; A knowing grin appeared when she caught on, she noticed Calem standing right beside her. Her reaction was priceless.

"Ladies and gentlemen, family and friends, we gather here today to witness the joining of two people in love in holy matrimony. I am honoured to be able to do this for two people who were made for each other in every way possible." Calem started addressing the room, "Ash would you say your vows to Serena"

"I, Ashton take you, Serena, to be my lawful wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, for as long as we both shall live. I will love and honor you all the days of my life." I said proudly to my bride committing her facial features to memory.

"The rings please Gary and Logan."Calem asked. Gary stepped toward us carrying Logan holding the ring boxes in his tiny hands. "Dada! Mama pretty". He whispered to me, taking hold of the small boxes, I replied "I know Logan, she is an angel."

"Serena. Your vows to Ash now please." Calem looks over happily at Serena.

Her smile widened as she begun to speak "I, Serena, take you, Ashton, to be my lawful wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, for as long as we both shall live. I will love and honor you all the days of my life."

"Ash, do you take Serena to be your wife?" Calem asked knowingly.

"I do." I announced to her placing her ring on.

Calem again turning to Serena, never taking her eyes off mine. "And Serena do you take Ash to be your husband?"

"I do." She happily replied placing my ring on my finger.

"It's my greatest privilege to announce you husband and Wife. You may  now kiss your bride Ash." Calem finally announced to the crowd.

"About time!" I stepped toward my bride scooping her low catching her off guard slightly, our first kiss as a married couple and I wanted her lips all to myself.

*Time Skip*

Ash's POV

Such an incredible and happy day filled with love and laughter, family and friends sharing in our joy.

Logan was amazing, he was off playing with a bunch of other kids from Clemont's younger sister Bonnie. She was married to some guy named Drew and had twins a boy and a girl Aaron and Ellie, and it seemed that Logan took a shine to Ellie, it was adorable seeing them holding hands.

We then quickly ushered to the centre of the dance floor, the DJ then announced "Now it's time for the first dance for the happy couple!"

(Press play now!)

So in essence I fell in love. I made a vow of protection to her father, and now I get to call her mine. I just wanted you Serena.


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