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Chapter 71Works: Author: Category: Word Count: 3240 Updated: 19-09-26 12:10

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"Yeah, let's try it." Tu Che picked up his chopsticks and ate a piece of garlic pork ribs. The ribs were fried so that they were crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. With the aroma of garlic, they felt happy after eating.

After deep-frying, the minced garlic tastes not so strong, and more fragrant.

After Tu Che ate a rib, he continued to sandwich a piece of braised ribs. The ribs that had been simmered for more than 40 minutes quickly fell off and were very soft and tender. Tu Che also felt very satisfied.

"Yuanyuan, too." Turongrong sandwiched a piece of braised pork ribs for his sister. This one was stewed for a long time and was softer. My sister tried this first. It should taste very good.

While Tu Rongrong and the others were tasting the food, the topic about her on Xingbo became lively again.

[The anchor still doesn't open live QAQ]

[The anchor still didn't open the live broadcast, I miss her so much. 】

[It's been half a day, breakfast and lunch have passed, the anchor still did not start the live broadcast. 】

【How to do? Is the anchor so sad that she plans not to open the live broadcast anymore? 】

[Those brain-dead fans are too much. It's me and I have been scolded for being autistic, let alone the anchor girl? 】

[Our goddess is so cute, so weak, and being treated this way, those brain fans are too much. 】

[So sorry for my goddess...]

[I love the goddess too, but I love myself more. I feel unhappy that I can't eat the food made by the goddess. 】

[I've watched the video of the anchor many times, and I can't get the taste QAQ]

[Me too, I can't get the taste QAQ anymore...]

[Same as above, I have done it many times...]

The live screen recording is also to protect the interests of the anchors, so the first time you look back at the recording screen, you will have the same experience as watching the live broadcast, a 100% experience.

But every time you replay, the experience will decrease, from the original 100% reduction by 10%, until it will be cleared after ten replays, which means that you can only see, but cannot touch or smell. It's time to taste and touch the things inside.

The live screen recording of the coated velvet is similar. The audience can still eat delicious food during the first playback, but the taste will be weaker every time you visit.

After the eleventh time, I couldn't touch it completely, I couldn't taste it.

[Uuuuu, anchor, I miss you so much. 】

[I have watched all the screencasts of the anchor for more than ten times, and I can never taste the taste again TOT]

[Me too, I can't taste it...]

[When will the anchor come back to start the live broadcast? Will she really never open a live broadcast again? 】

[That group of brain-dead fans is really hateful. They drove the anchor away and asked them to pay us a anchor. 】

['Qingshui Lingling' cooking food live on the Penguin live platform, audiences who like it can come and take a look, link:——]

['Qingshan Xiushui' live cooking and cooking on the Lvshui live platform, audiences who like it can come and watch it, link: ——]

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