The Boy

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 I fell, I could feel my body smash against the ground everything hurt twice as much, then my eyes opened looking up at the blue sky that lay above me, it was calm there was no panic up there I longed to be up in the sky with no worries or pain then I was snapped back into reality when I voice came from the shadows in front 

 "what the shuck" I jumped up to a sitting position staring at the body that was laying in front of me. "who the shuck are you" the body sat up coming out of the shadows, it was a boy. The boy rubbed his head but he looked angry "who are you" the boy shouted as he stood over me. I couldn't find my voice I just put my hands up as to show I wasn't dangerous. "tell me who you are now" the boy puled out a knife and pointed it at my face. 

Fear was sent through my veins like electricity. "I'm not dangerous, I'm not" I let out the only voice I could find. It was quiet and shaky. "who the shuck are you" the boy shouted and moved the knife closer to me "I don't know" I let out a wimpier. The boy looked at me and lowered his knife a bit. "do you know anything" the boy looked at me as a confused look came over his face. "No, I don't" my voice still shaky and quiet, the boy moved his knife back to its starting position and put his hand out "I don't trust you yet but I'll help you" the boy leaned in to help me stand.

I stood leaning against the wall then I heard it Click......Click......Click. I squeezed my eyes as if to stop the sound then looked at the boy "lets go..... now" the boy shouted and started to run. I hobbled behind him. The boy was fast, very fast I was no match "come on, I'm not getting stuck in the maze" the boy shouted from in front. The boy turned round to see me struggling and ran to me. He wrapped his arm around my waist and supported me on my right side. 

We turned countless corners until we reached what looked like an exit. I looked forward to see a break in the walls revealing a grass land with shacks made out of wood, it looked like a civilisation. "we are almost there" the boy was out of breath, struggling to get his words out. 

We crashed onto the grass land, it wasn't soft it was rock hard. People started to gather around us. "help her" the boy shouted picking me up running further into the grass land. 

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