24 - Callum McGinley ( Callux )

Start from the beginning

" What? " She asks. 

" The test isn't Freya's, it's mine. You know how Simon would react if he found out. I didn't even expect JJ to find it, " I whisper. Gee and Talia are both holding me. " I just- I needed to take it. And I couldn't take it at mine. And- I don't know what I'm going to do, " I add which causes them to just pull me in closer. 

" We'll figure this out, have you told the dad? Do you know who the dad is? " Gee asks. 

" Do we know who the dad is? " Talia asks. 

" I haven't told the dad, yes I do, and yes you guys do, " I whisper. 

" Are you comfortable with telling us who the dad is? " Gee asks. I shake my head. " Okay that's alright, do you know what you're going to do? " She asks. I shake my head again. 

" No, I-I'm just I'm like 3 weeks late, " I mutter. Freya crouches down in front of me. 

" We're going to set up an appointment, we'll go with you, it's going to be alright okay? " Freya asks. I give her a nod. 

" It's going to be alright Y/n/n, everything will be alright, " Talia tells me. I give her a nod. 

" What am I going to do? " I ask. 

" Well as you said, it could be a false positive. So we'll just see, and we'll go from there okay? " Gee asks. I give her a nod. 

" And until we know for sure, this will stay between us okay? Will that make you feel better? " Talia asks. I give her a nod. 

" Okay this will stay between us okay? " Freya states/asks. We all nod towards each other. We all slowly exit the room making our way back to where we were, I pass Lux while we head back and we just give each other small smiles acting like nothing has been happening between us. Which in reality him and I have been 'seeing' each other for almost a year. 

My only job tonight is to not breakdown, and truly it's been going good so far. Most of the boys have now gone home, and I'm about to leave also. Freya is walking me to my car. She pulls me into a hug, and reassures me of a lot of things. 

The next morning, it's the day of the appointment. And I've never been more stressed in my life I don't think. Because if I am pregnant, I will need to tell Simon. I will also need to tell Lux. The girls went with me, for support. And now we're waiting for the results. " What are you going to do if it is positive? " Gee asks. 

" Talk to the dad, but I plan on keeping it, " I tell her. The doctor comes back in, and we're all sitting waiting for her telling us the results. 

" You are pregnant, you're about 2 months, " she states. I give her a nod. 

2 months later... 

Still haven't told Simon and still haven't told Lux. It's May now, but I plan on telling Lux today. He needs to know before I tell anyone else. I walk into the shoot for the Sidemen, cause I'm helping out today. And Simon looks confused, frustrated and yeah confused. " Simon you alright? " I ask. 

" You're pregnant?! " He asks, bringing the attention to me. Which Lux is in complete shock. I stand there in shock by what he just said. 

" How-how, " I begin I just walk off walking out. And Simon walking after me. I can hear the boys following him, but my brain is not focused enough. 

" Y/n! You're pregnant?! Why didn't you tell me?! " He asks. 

" Simon I haven't even told the dad yet! " I scream back turning to him, and I watch all of the boys stop also. " Yes I'm pregnant, I'm 4 months. The baby is due on October 29th, the baby's a boy. I'm showing, I messed up the relationship with the dad where I barely even talk to him even more. Because I'm terrified that once you! Find out who the dad is, you'll kick him out of my life, " I add, I beginning to break down and Simon pulls me into a hug. As I begin to cry. 

" It's alright, shhh it's alright, " he whispers to me. I back away and make eye contact with Lux who is also crying. 

" How did you find out? " I ask. 

" Saw a photo that you sent, your belly was showing, " he states. I give him a nod wiping away the tears, and beginning to walk to get a water. " Who's the dad? " He asks, I stop in my place taking a deep breath. 

" I am, " Lux says. Everyone looks at him in shock, including myself. " You're pregnant? " He asks. I walk forward grabbing a hold of his hand, and walking us away from the group. This is a conversation that has to happen between him and I. 

" You're four months? " He asks, I give him a nod. " He's a boy? " He asks, I give him a nod. " October 29th? " He asks, I give yet another nod. " I'm going to be a dad? " He asks. 

" Yeah... I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier, but I was so afraid you would leave, " I tell him beginning to tear up. 

" I would have never left, I love you too much, " he tells me. I look up at him with teary eyes. " And I'm not just saying that because you're pregnant with my baby, I'm saying that because I'm in love you, " he states. A tear falls and he wipes it away. 

" I love you too, " I whisper. He leans in and begins to kiss me, and I kiss him back. We talked for a while longer, and then walked back out. 

" Can I see the baby bump? " Simon asks. I chuckle lightly, I take my jacket off and pick up my shirt slightly. 

" There's a baby in there, that's so weird to think, " Harry comments. 

Many months later.... ( January 1st, 2021 ) 

Callux's P.O.V. 

callux 2020 had a lot of downs in the year, luckily one up was Finley being born. For anybody who hasn't seen, Y/n and I had a kid. His name is Finley, he's everything I didn't know I need. And honestly I'm terrified that I'm not going to be a good dad, but I can't wait for all the awesomeness that's going to be Finley, myself, and Y/n's journey. 

I hear Fin cry, and look up to see Y/n walking in rocking him. " Oh I know, you didn't like that you woke up, " she whispers. She sits next to me, and rest Finley on her. 

" I need to get you something, " I comment standing up. 

" I seriously just sat down Cal, " she comments. " Your dad is crazy, yes he is...yes he is, " she adds. 

" Move in with me, " I tell her, she smiles towards me. 

" Cal I've lived with you for the past 3 months, " she says chuckling. 

" I'm making it official, " I tell her laughing. 

" Yes, I'll move in with you, " she comments laughing. 

I go into Instagram and see her post. 

miniy/n Never did I expect that 2020 one of the worst years ever would give me the best thing that has happened to me. Finley Simon (yes his middle name is Simon) was born. I'm a new parent so all of this is new, but I'm glad I have Cal by my side helping me. <3

I look up at her and smile, never did I expect my life to turn out life this. But I'm so happy it did. 

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