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"Damn you Kikiri!. Pray that I will be dead by then, because if I manage to release myself here, I will surely kill you." Hiroshi yelled.

"Yeah yeah okay goodluck untying those ropes." Kikiri replied.

"Please don't hurt Meldy, we will gladly take our execution, just please release Meldy." I said to him.

"Nope, no will do. You guys will be killed in the most brutal execution, no excuses."

"Damn you! Remember this, I will kill your ass!."

"My brother Don Monico will protect me blee blee." Kikiri replied while sticking his tongue out.

"Guards! Escort this two rats in their prison cell, tomorrow we will give them a beating."

5 guards immediately went in and dragged us into our prison cell. Hiroshi attempted to escape and resist but the guards took a blow into his neck making him more weaker.

"You guys will do your worst here in this prison, enjoy the smell of shit." One of the guards closed the bars.

The prison cell was small, filled with a lot of mud and stench. The smell was also unpleasant.

"This is the underground prison that we explored earlier, so this prison was not abandoned afterall." I said to him.

"Damn it, that blow was so strong I could hardly move my body." Hiroshi replied.

"Meldy! Meldy! If you're there please respond!." I yelled outside the prison.

With the silence circling with only droplets of water you can hear, the prison was so quiet. Any voice exerted will echo, so I tried my best to spent the rest of my energy by shouting Meldy's name.

"Meldy!." I shouted.

"Peter! Help me." a familiar voice echoed through my ears.

"Meldy! Thank god you're safe." I responded.

"Yeah I'm fine." She replied.

"Did they hurt you? ." I asked.

"Yeah a bit, I can't move right now due to the paralyzing dart."

"Paralyzing dart?."

"Yeah, They shot me down from the tree and I fell."

"Those bastards, hang on we will save you."

The pain in my nape part was so intense. Because of the impact of the kick, my body can't move even a muscle.

"Reserve energy, just be still reserve your energy." Hiroshi suggested.

The pain was flowing through out our body, as hours passed we didn't notice the time. We were just sleeping when one of the guards dragged all of us out again, this time to the punishing ground.

"Move your ass! Move!." the guard yelled while beating us with a stick.

We were moved to a ground where there's a lot of blood in the ground. In the middle was a post with chains in it. The guard strapped our arms and feet with chains and tied us in the middle of the ground in the open.

"So these are the rats, lurking behind the shadows." a voice suddenly echoed.

"That's him." Meldy said.

In front of us was the whole Elibuende family, they were sitting in a comfortable chair in line. From Don Felipe to his wife and then his children.

"Hey father can I have that babe?." Don Mattias asked for permission.

"Why? Why are you so interested?." Don Felipe asked.

"Please father I will use her as a sex slave in my room. All the women that you sent me were ugly as ducklings, I want that one." Don Mattias insisted.

"Okay fine, guards separate this woman, I want you to tie her beside my son's chair." Don Felipe ordered.

"You two fill face the consequences of being a traitor! Punisher start the whipping." Don Felipe commanded.

Beside us was a punisher with a mask on his face, he was a big fella holding a whip. Seconds after the command, the punisher began beating us with his whip.


Every beat of whip to our skin was so agonizing. Blood from the beating started to run down on the floor.

"Fuck! Damn you Kikiri Damn you!." Hiroshi yelled in anger and pain.

"Man, let's do our best not pass out or they will kill us." I said to him.

While we were constantly beaten with a whip by the punisher, the royal family seems to be enjoying the view that they were watching. They even ate fruits and popcorn while making themselves comfortable.

"More! Mr. Punisher harder!." Don Dimitri ordered while enjoying his pudding.

They just laughed and laughed, amused by the sound of beating and pain. No words can express the extreme level of pain that we felt that time.

"Okay that's it, we don't want to kill you because you still have an execution to face." Don Felipe said to us.

Don Felipe then ordered the guards to release us from the post and chained us again before they dragged us back to our cell.

"Son of a bitch, I want to die." Hiroshi said with a very weak voice.

"Meldy, I'm worried about her." I said to him.

5 hours later after the beating, they returned Meldy to her cell. She was crying and crying probably due to the abuse that she experienced.

"Meldy! Did that bastard Don Mattias touched you?." I asked.

"He.. he... he didn't rape me but .....He sexually abused me. He undressed me infront of his friends while they touched my naked....bodyy.." She replied while crying.

I don't know what came over me when I heard her say that. In a moment after she confessed about what happened to her, I felt extreme anger flowing through my veins. Boiling every drop of my blood in my body, my mind was filled with lots of rage. I forgot the pain that I felt, bad blood was boiling like crazy kettle in my system.

"That's it, they need to die."

WHO AM I TO JUDGE? Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum