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"I'll handle this." Hiroshi said while holding his handgun.

"Kill?." I asked.

"No, I don't want to create trouble, stay quiet and calm." Hiroshi replied.

When the guard was inside the warehouse, he did an inspection to the goods. He roamed around the area, inspecting every corners and every sides, making sure that no goods are missing.

While the guard was roaming, both of us tried to hide in opposite direction. Hiding while the target was moving was the most difficult thing that I've ever done in my life. One wrong move will cost both of our lives. When the guard roamed towards the back of the area, we also moved to the front to avoid contact. It was like a game of hide and seek, the only difference was just, we move as we hide.

"Patience, sooner or later he will leave." Hiroshi whispered.

While the guard was conducting an inspection in the back, he noticed that a lot of canned goods were missing.

"Those bastards stole canned goods for their card game again." The guard said while picking up a canned good in the floor.

The guard was shaking his head because of disappointment, when suddenly Hiroshi accidentally knocked a tray full of screws and nails.

"Who's there?." The guard said while pointing his gun out of nowhere.

Hiroshi looked back at me and gave signal to go left.

"You damn rat, accept your sin and come out." The guard said while staying vigilant.

While the guard was moving towards our previous location, we carefully crouched our way to the back on where the hole was made.

I was about to leave the room using the hole, when Hiroshi took his katana, covered the guard's mouth and swiftly severed the man's throat.

A 1 second delete assasination that shocked my soul.

"Get some paper towels or cloth, wipe this blood on the floor, I will get rid of the body." Hiroshi said to me in a straight serious face.

Shocked because of what just happened, I took some paper towels and wiped the blood in the floor. Luckily, the blood on the floor was not that messy, in fact there was only a few droplets of blood in there.

In what I saw in movies and even in the news, assasinations are always bloody. It's a common sense that if you cut a certain part of the body, a lot of blood will gush out, but that day, I was surprised to see small amount of droplets of blood on the floor. Indeed, a bloodless perfect assasination.

Making it possible, requires a skill to make that kind of masterpiece. Only few can do it in a smooth and perfect way.

"Damn, he's good." I said to myself.

After wiping all the blood, I placed the trash in my bag and went out using the hole.

Outside, I saw Hiroshi wiping himself.

"Where's the body?." I asked.

"I hid it somewhere safe don't worry, Let's go." He replied.

Hiroshi covered the hole that he made, then afterwards we planned our escape.

" Same as before, follow my lead and we will be home in an hour." He said while preparing.

Same as before, we crouched our way towards the side of the warehouse. Our plan was to roll on a trench in the side and go towards the tower. Fortunately, the plan was a success. The guards didn't see us and the tower lights didn't spot our location.

"Now, the next one is that small tent right there, under the debris behind it is a small hole for us to escape." Hiroshi said while pointing to the area.

Carefully, we crouched our way to the tent. Lights from the towers that time were also roaming around the area, making the escape difficult and time consuming.

"Be vigilant, if one of those lights will spot us, snipers will take us out immediately." Hiroshi said.

It was a scary situation, I gotta be honest. The air was cold, and the situation that we were in was nerve wracking. One hell of a mistake, and it could be instant death.

"Did you include some instant ramen earlier?" Hiroshi asked.

"Yeah I did, a lot of them." I replied.

"Good, I can't wait to go home and eat" Hiroshi said while staying still on the ground.

I guess basic needs/necessities will drive a person to his/her last resort. Just like when I looked at Hiroshi that time, can I blame him for killing that guy because he was starving?. It's a very simple but hard to answer question. In this world that we're living, people will do anything to survive, except to those people who lost their will to live. But for Hiroshi, he only did that thing to protect us, and in my opinion, it was only proper.

"Almost, we're almost there hang on." Hiroshi said while struggling to move.

The constant struggle made my body tired, the pain from my past wounds, made it even worse.

"Hiroshi, let's escape now, I can't feel my legs anymore." I said to him.

"Hang on comrade, we will escape this area don't worry." He said.

After almost half an hour of crouching, finally we reached the tent.
Slowly, one by one, we went inside a small escape hole, it was dark and moist inside but It was worth it. After a minute of using the tunnel hole, we escaped the enemy camp.

I can't feel my body when I reached the exit of the tunnel, so Hiroshi carried me behind his back.

"Sorry man for making you carry me." I said to him.

"You did good, you deserve it." He replied.

"Not bad for a first timer." He added.

It was around 2 am in the midnight when we arrived at the bunker. Carefully, Hiroshi guided me in his bed and went on the ground to sit down. Meldy by the time that we arrived, was boiling a water for us.

"Perfect timing, Let's eat our first dinner together." Hiroshi said while getting the instant cup ramens.

We waited for the noodles to cook, and then afterwards we ate the fruit of our hard work. I can really say that it was really worth it.

"These supplies will support us for about 3 weeks, thanks to our hard work, we will live again for another couple of weeks." Hiroshi said while sipping some of his ramen broth.

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