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"There, you look more different now." Meldy returned all the make up in the kit.

"You sure we don't look different and weird from the others?." I asked.

"Nah, you guys fine." She replied.

"By the way, where is the Occisor?." Hiroshi asked.

"I don't know but she said that she will keep an eye for Don Monico's action."

"How about you?." I asked.

"Later, I'm gonna join you guys."

After fixing ourselves, we decided to go join and crash the party as waiters. We took the separate entrance for the staffs and successfully entered without delays.

"You guys are late!." the head of the staff said to us.

"We took our time in the back smoking."

"Go serve the guests with champane on the garden now!." The staff yelled at us.

With the tray full of glasses filled with champagne, we roamed around the party area to serve the rich guest with some drinks. As expected from a rich party, most of the guests were rich. There were a lot of gentlemans and babes, walking and eating on their designated tables.

"Champagne sir?." I asked.

"Yes please." The rich old gentleman replied.

In the front area of the garden was a big stage made for entertainers. Some sang, some played good music, and some guys were entertaining the guests with some jokes. A very sophisticated and classy party if I must say.

When the head chef told us to serve the food, we were assigned to deliver the desired food to the rich tables. All the foods that we served were mouthwatering. Steaks, potatoes cooked in a classy way, salads, and other foods that only classy and rich people know, was served in each and everyone's table.

"Damn this job is making me hungry." Hiroshi said to me while holding his tray full of glasses of wine.

"Damn right, how I wish I could eat right now." I replied.

"I can't spot Don Monico for now, this is bad."

"Let's rendezvous in the back part of the garden later for our meeting. Be vigilant as always, don't drop your guard."

"Yeah sure."

After that small talk, we went back to serve food and drinks.


The place then was filled with the sound of claps from the crowd all over the area.

"Good evening everyone, thank you for coming in tonight's birthday party for my one and only daughter, Yvonne. It's been 8 or 9 months since the prisoners that killed our dear officials, escaped. Since this is the only party that I can share my speech to all of you about the escaping incident, I'm gonna warn you about the danger that we are facing right now."

"Unfortunately, the night before the execution of the rebels, one of our guards were drugged by the phantom. It was the phantom who helped the rebels escape from their cell. I mind everyone to report any signs of the rebels and the phantom to reduce the risk and danger."

"There were 3 of them, Two male and 1 Female. One of the male was a Japanese. My son Monico unfortunately wasn't able to hold the prisoners since the rebels drugged him. We don't know the exact location of their hiding place, but I mind everyone to report any signs of the prisoners, a bounty of 100 million gold coins will be rewarded for those who can capture the rebels alive."

"I repeat, I want them alive because we will give them the method of execution that they deserve."

"For those powerhouse officials that they killed, let's pray for their safe departure back in heaven on where they belong. Please let us offer them a minute of silence for their sacrifices."

The crowd then bowed their heads down. Praying in silent, the whole garden was filled with silence.

"Their crime will not go unpunished. Death for the traitors!."

"DEATH FOR THE TRAITORS!." The crowd yelled.

"Death for the rebels!."


"Our security and private forces are preparing themselves for the hunt. Fear not, because my son Monico will give those who died some justice that they deserve."

"Tonight, enjoy the food, the drinks and music that we offer. Enjoy the rest of the day and live a long life."


After Don Felipe's speech. Everyone went back to partying. Few hours after the speech, I decided to go back to the rendezvous point for our mission meeting.

I went to the kitchen to ask for permission to take a break and fortunately the head staff agreed.

I was about to enter the dark part of the garden when a pretty lady in a dress was standing on the exact rendezvous point. She was holding a cigarette in her hand and a glass of champagne.

"You smoke?." She asked.

"No sorry ma'am." I replied.

"It's free no charge." She said to me.

"No really it's fine I don't smoke." I said to her.

"Name's Bonnie how about you?." She asked.

I was thinking of a possible substitute for my name. But the pressure and her aura gave me a hard time to think about one.

"Ko.. "



"Kokel. Yeah Kokel is my name nice meeting you." I said to her.

"You have a weird name, despite your face." She replied.

"Uhm.. What do you mean?." I asked.


"So what are you doing here by the way?." She asked.

"Uhmm, nothing I just want to be alone." I replied.

She then went closer and held my hand.

"Smoke?." She again asked.

"As I said, I don't smoke." I replied.

"Okay I'll be going now. Nice meeting you Kokel, nice escape."

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