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"It's rare to find meat nowadays, is it okay to ask where you get some of your meat?." Meldy asked.

"Oh about that, I have a livestock farm somewhere here, that is where I get my meat." She replied.

"But, there are a lot of thieves out there, are you sure your livestock farm is safe from them?." I asked while slicing a piece of meat.

"Yeah it's completely fine don't worry, I have someone who is taking care of our livestock. Let's talk more about that later." She said.

"Anyway, you guys haven't introduced yourselves to me, by the way I am Margarette, ang you guys?." She asked.

"Oh sorry about that ma'am, My name is Peterenko, just call me peter for short and this is Meld Wendy just call her Meldy for short, we lived in the copperfield down south." I answered.

"Oh, nice meeting you. Must be tough surviving on your own." the old woman said while slicing the piece of bread.

"Yeah, we were scouting everywhere for food, but there's no food to scout out there anymore. All of the stores and supermarkets are clean, probably stolen by the people in the area. That is why we are so thankful to you for letting us eat in your cozy home." Meldy said.

"Poor kids, don't you worry your suffering won't be long now." The old woman said.

I don't know if we misinterpret her words that time, but it gave both of us chills in the bone. After that, there was awkward silence. That time I know I must say something to break the silence, but I can't find some topics to open.

"You know Ma'am Margarette your house is so strong it even withstand the strong earthquake. When I saw that minimal damage that the earthquake did to you home, I was really shocked." Meldy said.

I know she wanted to break the silence, and fortunately she destroyed the awkwardness barrier and successfully continue the conversation.

"Yeah, this house was built by my late husband, he was a fine engineer, and now I realized how good my husband was when it comes to building houses and I'm proud about that. He built this house as our home and at the same time apartment for those who want to rent some rooms." The old woman replied.

After dinner, the old woman guided us to a spare room. She turned off all the lights and guided us upstairs to rest.

"You guys, can rest easy here tonight." The old woman said.

Immediately we settled our things in the room. The room that we were staying was nothing special. It was old, but it was okay. The bed is neatly done, the floor and ceiling are well designed, overall it's good.

"Let's sleep." I suggested.

There was only 1 bed, but it's good for 2 person so we shared it. That night, none of us can sleep. We just stared at the ceiling with nothing to do.

"Oh I forgot, there's electricity here so now I can charge my phone." Meldy said as she charged her phone.

"I didn't find mine, so lucky for you you still have yours." I said.

"Yeah, when I passed out during the earthquake I had my phone charger and headphone in my backpack, when the earthquake shook us, I hugged my backpack real tight and that is why i still have my phone with me." She replied.

"How about yours?." She added.

"To be honest I left it in a chair somewhere, so when the gym collapsed I didn't find it. Anyway if you had your phone all along why didn't you call anyone?." I asked.

"The phone battery died." She replied.

"oh okay."

After an hour of talking, Meldy's phone was in full charge.

"Turn it on, let's see if we can call our family." I suggested.

"Okay okay." she replied as she took the charger from the outlet.

That time I really thought we can somehow connect with our love ones, but unfortunately...

"No service." Meldy said as she sat in the bed, disappointed.

"So it's no use, probably the towers are destroyed during the earthquake."

"Let's call it a day." I suggested.

Once again, we went back to bed. Suddenly, Meldy took her earphones and listened to music. That time I was bored as hell so I decided to borrow the other piece to listen.

"Hey what are you listening there?." I asked.

"TWICE." she replied.

"Sweet, scoot over let me listen too, I love them." I excitedly took the other piece and struck it to my ear to listen.

"God, I love twice, I didn't expect you listening to TWICE." She said while laughing.

"Are you nuts? Of course I love them, I listened to them before this happened." I said to her while listening to Fancy.

"Then how come I never see you listening to TWICE?." She asked.

"I didn't want people to know that's the reason why." I replied

As we listened to twice, memories from the past came over to my head. Flashing those fancy moments that we did together before the cataclysm. My eyes went TT when I remembered the memories of my highschool days. I remembered a lot of funny precious moments, especially my precious moments with my family and Meldy. That time was when I truly realized that our memories are truly one in a million. The music also made me feel special even though I was in a difficult situation. The nostalgic flashbacks came over to me that time and I craved for more and more.

"I hope the twice members are safe right now as we speak." Meldy said while staring at the ceiling.

"Yeah, I hope so too."

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