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"They need to die, especially that damn Mattias."

I was really filled with rage in my system. I can't think straight, all the thoughts circling though my head was revenge.

"Peterr.... Help... Me...please..." Meldy cried.

"I will promise you Meldy, I will kill Mattias for you, I will kill him in most ferocious way," I promised her.

"Just give me more time Meldy to think of a plan."

On the other hand, Hiroshi was out in his senses. The pain that we felt was so extreme, it's a given that a chance of passing out is high. Blood was still flowing in our back because the guards didn't even bother covering it with cloth or something.

I moved Hiroshi to the clean part of the cell and faced his back towards the clean part of the wall to prevent his wounds from touching the contaminated water. The ground was filled with dirty water so moving him was a good choice in order to avoid wound infection.

With the mud on the other wall and my hand, I tried to forget the pain by drawing an escape plan in the mud. With no sufficient knowledge and information about the blueprints of the mansion, I tried to make an escape plan by formulating a splan based on theory. But despite the dedication, it was not enough. Careful planning takes week of observation and the time was not sufficient for me to formulate a plan.

Frustrated and angry, I punched the wall nonstop to release all the anger that I felt from my body. I knew it was impossible for me to do it because of the amount of time.

"I don't want to die like this, oh lord forgive me for what I am about to say but, please grant me the permission to kill them all first before you take mine."

"I will gladly take the consequences of my actions after I eliminate them, please let me protect my friends. If protecting them means killing and sin, I will gladly take the order with silver platter."

"I don't care, send me to hell whatever, I don't care anymore. Just let me take revenge for what they did to my friends. Judge me all you can because of my choices, but this is the only solution."

"No forgiveness can solve the things that they did. All the anger, pain and sorrow envelopes my heart now. You might forgive them, but I won't."

"Help me."

With the burning desire again to take courage and fight, I tried to stand up again from defeat. I used all my strength to stand up once again and tried to formulate a plan.

"Here's you meal, enjoy." One of the guards placed a bread full of spit on the floor outside prison.

I just stared at him, glaring like a tiger. I don't usually enjoy spit, but that time I didn't care. I placed the bread in my mouth and ate it.

"Brush your teeth once in a while, your spit tastes terrible." I said to the guard.

I reserved some bread for Hiroshi, I wipe the spit from his bread and placed it somewhere safe to avoid molds.

"This is our defeat this time, but one of these days, I'll serve your master with your head in a plate." I provoked the watch guard.

"What did you say? You bastard!." The guard glared back.

"No offense but your face is so exotic, even arachnids will consider you as their own."

"Fucking brat." The guard replied while going inside my cell to beat me.

I was powerless but I felt something else. The guard was beating me with all his might, but I was just exchanging his beatings with a smirked face. Due to the beating, I even forgot the feeling of pain in my body.

Slowly by slowly my body started to feel numb. I felt that all my strength was drained in an instant. My vision was starting to lose it's focus. Then with the last sense left in my body, I passed out.

The following day, Hiroshi and I received a beating again. Again and again and again, the beating was non stop until the last day of incarceration.

The night before the execution, I felt that my plan was not concrete enough to execute the escape. Even if it is, Hiroshi and Meldy were weak enough to escape which makes the escape more impossible.

"Guess this is it." Hiroshi said in a weak voice.

"I hate god for not giving me the chance to take their lives,"

"What a terrible way to die. I'll just wait for them in hell, so when the time comes, I will beat the hell out of them there."

"This is it man, tomorrow all of us will be beheaded in front of the crowd." Hiroshi said with a serious face.

"I prefer being hanged, death by beheading must be a painful way to die." I replied.

"No choice they want to behead us. Let's just hope it's a katana, so we will only feel pain for a short moment of time."

With no hope left at all, Hiroshi and I just stared straight. We didn't even have the power to stand so, all the pain was making our body numb and hard. We were just resting, waiting for our final night to end. I didn't understand the feeling that I felt that night. I felt scared, angry, frustrated, all mixed up like salad.

"It was a wonderful journey, too bad this the end of our adventure." Hiroshi's tears fell straight down from his eyes.

"Yeah, it was nice meeting you Hiro." I replied.

"Likewise, dying might not be so sad anymore because I will join my dead parents soon." Hiroshi said while wiping his tears.

"I'm not even sure if they're alive, but I hope I will meet them in the afterlife." I replied while rubbing my eyes.

"You successfully completed my quest, it's my turn to return the favor." an unknown voice echoed from the dark.

"Who's there?!." I yelled.

"It's me, the owner of the doll shop."

WHO AM I TO JUDGE? Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora