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"Hey sorry I'm late, this old fucking bastard wanted me to wipe his chin while eating." Hiroshi said while running towards me.

"Good you're here." I replied.

"What's wrong?." He asked.

"Hiro, a lady in a dress was here earlier. She introduced herself to me and guess what?."

"What? You fell in love?."

"No idiot, she knew that we were the rebels all along."

"What? Seriously? How?." He asked.

"I don't know man. I don't know how she did it, but yeah she recognized our true identity." I explained.

"This is bad man, abort mission." He said.

"But what surprised me the most is that, she didn't reveal that we were the rebels Don Felipe was talking about."

"Reveal or not, we will abort this mission, it's way too risky."

"No, we will continue this. I don't want to back out anymore, let's finish this." I said to him in a straight face.

"This is a dangerous one but yeah let's do it."

"Anyway, since Meldy was assigned in infiltration in the mansion for planting of the bomb. We must find Kikiri ourselves. Once we get rid of that sketchy bastard, this operation will be a success." Hiroshi said.

"But how are we gonna do that?." I asked.

"I have a plan." He replied.


"You sure about this?." I asked.

"Damn right I am."

"Now remember, all you have to do is to spread gossip and fake information about the rebels. Spread it in a conversational talk with the lower employees first then wait for the gossip to spread like a virus." He explained.

"Ok I'll see what I can do."

After the instruction, I went to the kitchen to talk with my fellow workers and waiter. Good timing, we were taking a break from our work making the break a good opportunity.

"Hey you heard about that?." I initiated.

"Heard what?." One of the cooks asked.

"About the rebel, I heard that one of them is in this party." I tried spread false informations.

"Really? Where did you hear that from?." one of my fellow waiter asked

"From a private detective in the party. He said that the rebel's name was Kikiri. A son of Don Felipe."

"What? A son of Don Felipe? That's insane."

"Yeah that's what I've heard. He said that Kikiri was an unwanted child. He was a black sheep in the family in which the Elibuende Family took him away for good."

"Tell us more!." All of my fellow workers asked out of curiosity.

"Kikiri was back along with his friends to seek vengeance."

"Hey by the way, how can you be so sure that this Kikiri guy existed in real life?." The waiter asked.

"Wasn't me, I just heard it from the detective conducting an investigation about the rebel incident." I replied.

"Kikiri huh."

"Yeah, he said that when the investigation team was conducting an investigation inside the mansion, one of his men found an old family picture of the Elibuende family. And believe me or not, instead of 4 they discovered that Don Felipe has 5 children."

"Holy shit, so the 5th son of Don Felipe was the rebel. This is wholesome news." One of the cook said.

"But mind you, I just heard it from a detective, so it's up to you if you will believe me or not." I said to them.

"I think this one is a bit true."

"Yeah, the reason why the Elibuende family didn't expose the prisoners to the public was because Don Felipe was ashamed that it was his own son who planned the revolt." I said to them.

After the break we went back to the garden to continue serving some foods and drinks to the guest. Successfully enough, my fellow workers was intrigued by my fake information. From side to side, they shared the fake rumor to the crowd, and eventually after an hour, the rumor was the topic in all part of the garden.

"Seriously? Oh my."

"Hey is this true?."

"Omg I can't believe this. "

I was just cornering my self on the side corner when Hiroshi approached me.

"Hahahahaha yeah this will do nicely. " he said.

"What's the goal of this fake spreading?." I asked.

"Just watch, soon you will know."

Hiroshi then took some of the glasses of champagne and gave it me.

"Now let's wait for the rat to appear." he said while sipping.

"The head will scold us if we will stay here, I suggest we continue our work." I said.

"Yeah, I'll just finish this."

Immediately after taking a quick break, I decided to get some more champagne glasses on the kitchen.

"You smoke?." a voice suddenly interrupted.

"Uhmm you again? For the last time I don't smoke." my only reply to the lady that I met earlier that night.

"Nothing, you did great."

"By the way can we talk? Like private talk."

"Sure where?." she asked.

"Same location."

"How about here?."

"No, too public."

"Okay I'll be there."

After that conversation, she left with a glass of wine. I on the other hand went to the garden to continue serving the guests with champagnes.
After the 30 min serve, I decided to go to the back part to meet the girl.

And as expected, she was there standing in front of the dark. She was holding a glass of wine and a cigarette.

"You're late." she said.

"Sorry work."

"What's the point of working hard to this fake job of yours."

"That's exactly the thing that I want you to answer. How did you know that we are the rebels?." I asked.

"Simple, because I will be the one to assassinate you."

WHO AM I TO JUDGE? Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat