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The air feels cold when I went inside the room. I prepared myself for the worst. Carefully, I entered quietly and hid under the bed. Fortunately, the old woman didn't notice me. I held the metal pole so hard to make sure that it will not go away from my hand. I took out a book that I got earlier, and tossed it outside to make a noise for distraction.

"Thuddd." As the book broke the silence.

The old woman stood up and checked the location of the noise.

"Meldy." I slowly whispered towards her.

"Follow me, don't be afraid." I said to her in order to make her calm.

I went out the bed and grabbed her hands when suddenly an axe flew towards me. If I was a seconds late that time to respond, for sure that axe will surely hit my head and killed me. Fortunately, I was able to evade it, miraculously.

"Meldy, behind me faster." I said to her while bracing myself.

"Who gave you the permission to get out of the rope?." The old woman said.

She was furious and was holding a butchering knife outside the room. I was so cold, I kept fighting the nervous feeling. I knew that she can attack anytime, and If I am not careful enough, both of us will be dead meat.

Carefully I reached for the gun in my back, but in a swift moment, the old woman rushed towards us like a hungry beast. I pushed Meldy in the corner, and blocked the attack. I received a deep cut in my arm in exchange of that block that I did. While fighting the old Margarette, I really felt her bloodrush and her force. She may be old, but her strength Is in equal par with mine.

I used all my strength and pushed her back. As a result lot blood from my wound ended up dripping in the floor. It was so painful, but I didn't think much about it. I rushed to counter against her, I tried to steal the knife in her hand, but her almost superhuman strength prevented me from doing it.

She pushed me away and my body smashed towards the bookshelves. Due to the pain in my back part, I flinched for a minute. I tried to get up and fight but she pushed me towards the floor, preventing me to move.

"Meldy! Strike her!." I shouted, while agonizing the pain.

Meldy took a jar in a table and smashed it to the old womans head, but it wasn't enough to stop her. Margarette faced towards Meldy, and it gave me a chance to turn around the tide of battle. With the remaining strength left in my right arm, I punched her boob real hard. She screamed in pain while holding her chest, and that was when I stole the knife and chopped her shoulders open. Once again, she tried to get up from being down, but I didn't stop striking her back. Blood from her back was dripping on the floor, it was a mess.

Immediately I stood up to apply pressure to my wound while trying to rest, when she suddenly attacked. With me thinking that she's down for good, I didn't realize right away the tackle.

We dropped in the ground fighting each other to death, then she placed both of her hands in my neck. With the last bit of force, she tried to choke me to death. I was grasping for air when I remember the gun in my back, carefully without getting noticed, I reached for the gun and fired it right under her chin.


Due to the impact, her skull exploded exposing the brain in the room. Then after a minute, she dropped dead on the floor. There was a lot of blood everywhere. When I stood up to check, half of his head was busted with her brains and blood scattered on the floor.

"I won." I said to myself while holding my wounded arm.

Then everything went black.

When I woke up, it was morning. Beside me was Meldy sleeping. Despite the pain from my back and arm, I tried to stand up from the bed. There was a lot bandage in my arm, forehead and body. Down in the floor was the dead Margarette, covered with white blanket stained in blood.

"Wendy, let's get out of here." I said to her while waking her up.

After a minute of trying to wake her up, she came to her senses and woke up. When I looked at her, she was quite and terrified. The trauma of what happened that night, haunted her.

"Look, it's over." I said to her.

I hugged her so hard to make her feel safe. She did the same back to me. Tears fell down from her face.

"Don't worry, she's dead. Calm down and let's get out of here." I said to her while wiping the tears from her cheeks.

Before we left the house, I prepared two graves in the backyard. One for their child, and the other for her late husband. We took the flower upstairs and placed it in the grave.

"Thanks old man for what you did, you saved my life." I said while holding Meldy beside me.

"I will keep your gun with me always, don't worry in the future I will return here to give it back to you." I said in front of the grave while saying my farewell.


WHO AM I TO JUDGE? Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt