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"Ah the smell of garlic and spices, so lovely, I can feel the fragrance of the grilled meat from this distance." Hiroshi said while sniffing the air outside the restaurant.

The restaurant was tremendous, It was very clean and well designed, perfect for a dinner.

"Come on, I can't wait to stick my knife into those juicy steaks."

Inside the restaurant was a lot of people, mostly rich individuals eating steak drinking wine in glamorous tables. The front part of the restaurant were the musicians playing jazz songs for guests.

"Good evening sir and maam, table for three?." The receptionist asked.

"Yes please." I replied.

"This way please, table 13 is free. Do you want some wine while choosing your desired food in the menu?." The receptionist said while taking us to the table.

After we settled in the table, I can't help but notice the big stage on the forward part of the restaurant. It was big, made for entertainment purposes for the respected costumers. Minute later after we settled ourselves in the table, a waiter approached us and asked for our orders.

"Can I take your order?." The waiter asked while lending us the menu.

"Hey gentledog stop with the formalities, hurry and bring me a smoky sizzling steak and some pasta." Hiroshi said while looking at the waiter.

"Hey, we're supposed to be classy and well mannered." Meldy whispered.

"Oh sorry." He replied.

"4 mins sir, and your sizzling steak will be here soon." The waiter said.

"How about your order maam and sir?." The waiter asked while looking at us.

"I'll have a bread pudding and a clam chowder." Meldy replied.

"How about you sir?."

"I'll have steak and some garlic toasted bread with potatoes." I replied.

After taking the orders, the waiter took the note of our orders to the kitchen while the three of us are looking at the place like ignorants.

"He's here! Clean their tables!." One of the receptionist shouted to the kitchen.

In a swift second, the staff cleaned the table 4 in a very vigilant and careful manner.


"There they are." One of the costumer said.

"Who?." Hiroshi asked to the rich old costumer beside our table.

"The children of Don Felipe." The costumer replied.

A loud bang echoed through everyone's ear when the door was kicked by the incoming costumer.

"Here they are."

"What? Who are they?." Hiroshi asked.

"Don Dimitri the eldest, Madame Yvonne the second and the only daughter, Don Monico the right hand of his father and the head of the Elibuende security self defense unit, and finally the youngest, Don Mattias the spoiled brat." The old rich man said.

"HEY! CLEAR THE WAY!." Don Mattias said as he kicked the costumer in his path.

Without any hesitation, the rich costumer stood and walked towards the side of the restaurant.

The four of them then settled on the well designed table reserved only for the siblings.

"WAITERRRRR!!!!." Don Mattias shouted.

"Yes sir." The humble waitress replied.

"I want the usual, make it fast I don't like to wait for my food. I want my food as soon as possible!."

After taking everyone's order including the order of his other siblings, the waitress then went to the kitchen.

"Getting cocky for being rich huh." Hiroshi whispered.

"Stop it, they might hear you." Meldy replied.

While minding our own business, Don Mattias lost his temper and shouted.

"It's 3 mins and my food is still not here in my table! WAITERRRR!!!!."

After a min, the waitress took out the food from the kitchen.

I don't know if she was naturally timid that time but we felt that she was very frightened by the intimidating aura of the royal siblings. Then while she was carefully placing the food in the table, she accidentally knocked the soup towards Madame Yvonne.

"Arghhhh! what did you do to my dress!." Madame Yvonne shouted.

"I apologize for my clumsiness, I will take full responsibility for what happened." The waitress replied while bowing her head towards the ground.

"You know what? You deserve to be punished. Perfect,entertainment is what we need for tonight's dinner." Don Mattias said.

After wiping the spill from Madame Yvonnes dress, Don Dimitri ordered some of his escort to hold the waitress.

"Undress her! Then tie her in the stage." Don Dimitri ordered his men.

"No please sir, anything but that." The poor waitress begged.

The muscular escort then undressed the waitress and tied her in a post in the stage. One of the escort then took some whip and punished the poor naked waitress while the costumers are watching.

"Pour some of this olive oil in her body, I want this to be very sexy and entertaining for all of the costumers." Don Mattias said while giving the oil to his men.

After the men poured oil to the waitress's body, they sexually assaulted the poor waitress who was that time crying and begging for mercy.

It was so infuriating and painful to watch the poor innocent waitress being treated like an animal and sexual object in front of many costumers. Some of the rich costumers even clapped for the thing that they call entertainment.

"Please, shove her ass with this bottle of wine. I want to see something interesting." An old rich perverted costumer requested.

The escort took an empty bottle of champagne and shoved the whole neck of the bottle to the back part of the woman, which made the waitress cry in pain.

"More! Shove it more!." Some of the costumers shouted while laughing.

While the sick and inhumane entertainment was on going, the sibling didn't even feel pity for the waitress including some of the rich costumers. They just laughed and laughed eating their delicious meal while enjoying the live brutal punishment on the stage.

"Those people are sick." Meldy said while looking at the stage.

With his steak half eaten, Hiroshi silently walked out from the restaurant.

"I'll be waiting outside." He said.

After we agreed to a decision, Meldy and I decided to follow him since we cannot watch anymore of that painful to watch show.

Outside the restaurant, we found Hiroshi holding his Katana facing towards the tree.

"Hey, what's the matter? You didn't finish your steak." I said.

"I'm gonna kill those sick bastards!." Hiroshi replied in a very serious face.

WHO AM I TO JUDGE? Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora