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"Here is your soup master." The waiter placed the bowl of soup in Don Felipe's place in the table.

"Did you cook it the right way?." Don Felipe asked.

"Yes sir, 3 year old meat, boiled, cured with the ingredients that you wanted, and then cooked. We followed everything that you instructed." The waiter explained while serving him a wine.

"Where is Monico?." Don Felipe asked when he realized that one of his son was missing in the family table.

"He's probably busy my dear." Lady Victorina replied.

"Ever since yesterday morning, I haven't seen his face here in the mansion, he's probably fooling around with the girls in town." Don Mattias said.

"Your brother Monico is a fine man, do not try to sully your good brother's name, he is probably more useful than you!." Don Felipe exclaimed in anger.

"Yeah, because he is your favorite son that is why you're defending him."

"Watch your damn mouth young man, Monico is the only son of mine who sacrificed his life for my safety including Kiri. Probably in this moment as we speak, he's risking his life somewhere to protect us, while you there is peacefully eating while talking shit to your hardworking brother."

In that very moment, Hiroshi and I on the other hand were hiding near the table to eavesdrop the whole situation.

"This is bad, Monico is out which means that our lives is in danger. We need to report this news to them so we can conclude another plan." Hiroshi silently suggested.

"Yeah you're right, with Don Monico not in monitor, this whole mission is in danger. You know him, he's a very unpredictable man same with Kikiri." I replied.

We didn't finish the whole dinner scene, we went out of the room to regroup with the Meldy in the room.


"Abolish Plan, Monico not in sight, it's too difficult, let's wait for a couple of hours again before we try again." Hiroshi said to us.

"Alright, how about we assasinate him in their sleep?." Meldy suggested.

"uhm, no it's suicidal." I responded.

"Killing him in his own room is like walking towards a trap cage. We will think of another plan to end his life, but for now let's try to find Monico first."

"But where the hell is he?." Hiroshi asked.

"I don't know but we will try to be vigilant in order not to get caught. A strong solid kick from him will be the end of us."

"How about we try to fight him?." Meldy suggested.

"No he's a monster, only the Occisor has the ability to deal with him par to par. Based from our current attributes and skills, it's 90% that we will be defeated." I replied.

"Then what's the plan then? How can we fight fire with fire?."

"We need to outsmart him."

"Outsmart? I don't think it will be that easy."

"We'll  I never said that It'll easy to begin with, but we will try our best to outsmart him. The only problem that I am actually worry right now is Kikiri, if only we kill that damn bastard with curse." I said to them.

"Yeah, if we manage to kill him then Don Felipe's army of defense will collapse, and we will become unpredictable to them."

"I admit that Kikiri is clever despite his age, honestly I didn't think that he managed to predict that we will stir the party. I don't know but his plans are way too accurate and precise. It's almost that he can see the future ahead."

"Now I understand the Occisor, I understand why she want him gone."

"I realized that already, the only thing that I don't realize is that how his plans are accurate. How can he predict our next movement and how he can manage to stop us."

"We need to take those two shits out first before we go main event. We don't have much time here, we need to do this quick because sooner or later those guards will find us hiding here in their own territory." Hiroshi said.

"Damn Kikiri is the real bullshit here, I'm also furious about the Occisor, where the hell is she? She is always absent everytime we need her." Hiroshi added.

"I don't know man, I'm starting to doubt her." I replied.

"That's the problem too, we don't know if the Occisor is a friend or a foe. She didn't even want to talk to us or share a meal with us. She doesn't talk that much and she always choose to be away instead of helping us in our training." Meldy said.

"This is shit man, the only person that I can trust right now is the two of you." I said to them.

"Anyway forget the Occisor we will do this our way."

We were just talking in the room when a group of guards were shouting outside the window that we are in.

"BAD NEWS!!." One of the guards shouted while running towards the main door where the other guards are standing.

"What is it?." Hiroshi said.

"Wait here, I will go closer to them to know what happened." I suggested.

"I'll go with you." Hiroshi volunteered.

"Thanks. Meldy stay here we will be back."

In a bush near the area where the guards were standing in groups, I saw a severed head full of blood on the ground."

"What is that?." Hiroshi asked.

"I can't recognize the face." I replied.

Due to the distance of my location to the actual spot, it was difficult for me to recognize the face of the severed head so I slowly changed my position closer to the commotion.

"Holy shit." I exclaimed while looking at the head.

"What? Why?."

"It's Kikiri."

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