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"God I love this gun!." I said while admiring the beauty of the rifle.

"Throw that away, our mission was done already." Meldy suggested.

"What? Hell no I'll keep this baby with me no matter what. This is a lucky find Meldy, we were so lucky to find this sniper in this battlefield." I said to her.

"Okay fine, keep it." She said while walking.

"God knew that we need a gun like this so he guided us towards its location. Such coincidence to find this sniper so perfect for the mission that we did earlier." I explained.

"Yeah, yeah, yayy god, whatever." She said while walking towards the tunnel.

In the tunnel, we lit a small fire to keep us warm. I also concealed the entrance with a lot of grasses and debris to hide it from the enemies.

"Did you cover the entrance properly?." She asked.

"Yeah I did." I replied.

"Now let's just wait for Hiroshi to come back." She said while shutting her eyes.

We were just sitting in the tunnel. Meldy took a nap, while I was wiping the sniper that we found. While wiping, I couldn't help but notice the dirt in Meldy's cheeks. I took a small cloth from pocket, washed it with small amount of water then wiped it to her face.

"What the hell are you doing?." She asked.

"Stay still, I don't want the dirt to ruin your gorgeous face." I explained.

"Fuck off." She replied.

"No no stay still." I insisted.

When I wiped her face, I noticed that she couldn't look at me straight face. Carefully, I wiped the dirt from her cheeks to her neck, and also the small wound from her forehead.

"There, beauty restored." I said.

She didn't say anything after it, she just glazed her attention away.

"Earlier when you spotted me, I was really amazed about your capabilities." I said to her.

"You're not just beautiful but also smart, and I like that."

"Is that a compliment?." She asked.

"Ay, of course, 100% not kidding." I replied.

"Whatever." she said.

After that she properly positioned herself, then she took a nap. I was just smiling. In those moments, I was really certain that my words reached the deepest part of her heart.

Several minutes after wiping my weapon, I felt that something was not right.

"Hiroshi, he's 30 mins late based on the estimated time of arrival." I said to myself.

With Meldy sleeping, I took my handgun and I went back to the enemy camp.

Using my binoculars, I scouted the warehouse in the 2nd floor of the destroyed building near the camp.

"Where the hell is Hiroshi."

I was scouting towards the warehouse when suddenly, I heard a footstep in the ground floor. I took my handgun and carefully aimed towards the floor. It was dark, slowly without opening my flashlight, I descended down the stairs.

I was being vigilant when a figure of a man painted in my vision.

"Reach for the sky! Put your hands in the air and don't move." I said to the man.

"Peter?." The man said.

The familiar voice then calmed me, It was Hiroshi.

"What the hell man, I almost shot you. I was so worried about you, what took you so long?." I asked.

"Sorry, something happened, but don't worry I got what we wanted." He said.

"Then come one let's go back to the tunnel." I said to him.

"Alright, let's go." He replied.

After that small incident, we walked towards our base. As we walked, I noticed that he was unusually silent.

"You okay?." I asked.

"Yeah I'm alright," He replied.

"Hey remember the time when we talked about the Occisor?." He suddenly opened a conversation.

"Yeah why?." I asked.

"I know you will not believe me for what I am about to say but, I met the Occisor just a while ago" He said.

"What seriously?." I asked again but this time I was standing in front of him.

"Yeah no kidding. Earlier while I was about to close the hole in the back of the warehouse to escape, I saw a figure of a person leaping through the roof. It was so agile that I decided to follow it. But to my surprise, when the moonlight shined from the heavens, I saw the true form of the figure. He was wearing a black hooded cloak, he had a masquerade mask in his face, and sharp red thing in his hand."
He explained.

"The Occisor." I said to him.

"Yeah no doubt, It's up to you if you will believe me, again I just shared what I saw earlier." He said.

As for me, I didn't sense that Hiroshi was lying because of these reasons. First, he's not a liar, and second he will never joke something unimportant.

"You're lucky that he didn't find you." I said to him.

"Yeah man, he was really scary, and he was surprisingly small." He said.

"What small?." I asked.

"Remember when you said that your image about the Occisor was that he's a tall big muscular man? that was exactly the same image that I imagined." He said.

"But when I saw him earlier, it was nothing like from what we imagined. From that form, I don't think that he's a tall muscular man." He added.

"I don't man, maybe he was just small,  but inside those robe he must be buffed." I said to him.

"I don't know man, maybe." he replied.

After walking and talking, finally we arrived at the tunnel. With the small bonfire that we made, we cooked the processed meat that Hiroshi stole and ate it.

"Good job with the distraction, it was really a great help." Hiroshi said while eating some hotdogs.

"Yeah, we followed the instructions that you provided." Meldy replied.

"See Peter, I knew you can shoot a sniper, so by that I stole some ammunitions for that sniper to reward you." He said while handing me 3 boxes of sniper ammunitions.

"Holy sht! But, how did you know that I wanted some bullets?." I asked.

"I figured that you will take a liking to that sniper, so while I was packing some supplies earlier, I used the opportunity that you gave me to steal some sniper ammo." He said.

"Thanks man, that's the nicest thing that you ever did to me."

"No problem, as for you Meldy, to reward your hardwork I stole some handguns with silencer for you, this is for your safety and security use it for self defense." He said while handing her the gun.

WHO AM I TO JUDGE? Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora