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"Yes, the ceiling." Hiroshi said while looking at me.

"Yeah, we focused too much on the wall and floors but we forgot about the ceiling." I said to him.

"Tommorow, let's go back to that store. Let's see if there's an exit or something in that damn ceiling." Hiroshi said.

While talking, we heard a footstep outside the house. The living room that we were staying was right beside the main door, so if someone is actually walking outside the house, we can hear it.

After we heard the footsteps, we were speechless. We just looked at each other while exchanging curiousity through our faces.

"I'll check it." I insisted.

"I'll back you up." He replied.

Outside the house was so dark, only the light of the moon from the heaven was shining to light our vision.

"There was no one." I said to him.

"You sure?." He asked.


I was about to close the door when suddenly a red paper plane flew towards the inside of the house.

"A paper plane?." Hiroshi said while picking the paper plane.

"It's scented." I said to him.

"There's a note inside." Hiroshi said while unfolding the paper plane.

"What is it?."

"Light is good, light doesn't hurt.

Light protects even if light is hurt.

Light generous, light offers goods

Light doesn't care when light is trampled.

Light abused, but light don't care.

Light always care, even if others wouldn't dare.

Light did good, light peaceful.

Why must destroy light's happiness,

When light doesn't deserve hurt.

Light did good, but light is full.

Now light is hot, now light not cool

Light now hunts the hungry abusive beast.

Light want justice so light will be free

Light will kill the destroyer of peace so that light will live free."

"What? What light? I don't fucking understand this letter." Hiroshi said.

"It doesn't matter, the real question here is, who sent us that letter?." I asked.

While talking, Meldy suprised us when she suddenly talked when she woke up.

"Why must destroy peace?." She said.

"What? what are you saying?." Hiroshi asked.

"Someone was whispering in my ear, saying why must destroy peace." She replied.

"What? we didn't whisper in your ear, what are you talking about?." I asked her.

"I don't know." She replied.

"Hey, you alright?." Hiroshi asked while slowly approaching her.

"I don't know, what time is it?." She asked.

"It's 2 am why?." Hiroshi asked.

"What? then who whispered then?." She asked.

"What are you saying? You're not making sense." Hiroshi said.

When she said those things, she was looking straight at the window. She didn't even dared to look at us. She was just looking at the window like a curious infant staring at things.

"Why don't you go back to bed? I think you were having a bad dream." Hiroshi suggested.

"Red scissor must cut the red thread ball of evil." She said.

I was really confused about what she was saying that time. Like an infant, she was saying senseless words out of nowhere.

"The cat always hide the red thread ball, red scissor always find."

"What the hell are you saying?." Hiroshi asked.

"Cat is evil, cat is protecting the red thread ball. Red scissor always alone, red scissor can't cut the red thread ball."

"Cat must be eliminated, but cat vanished in the thin air. Cat took the fish when cat disappeared."

After the last statement, she then went back to sleep like nothing happened.

"What the fuck just happened?." Hiroshi asked.

"I don't know, maybe she was having a bad dream, or not. I don't know maybe she was possessed." I replied while trying to conclude an exact answer.

"First that letter then next Meldy talking nonsense, honestly I don't know what's going on anymore." Hiroshi said while taking a sit in a chair.

I was looking around the room, when I noticed that the red paper plane was gone.

"Hey, where's the paper plane that you got earlier?." I asked.

"I left it in the table." He replied.

"why?." He asked.

"It was gone." I replied.

"What? I just left it there how come it was gone." He said.

"I don't know, I thought you had it."

With things going super crazy in that moment, the crazy disappearance of things was making me more confused.

"Maybe it was flown by the wind." He said.

"Impossible, no wind can penetrate this house." I explained.

"Nevermind that paper plane, it was nothing anyway." He said.


After that, I just went back to the bed to sleep and Hiroshi was just sitting in the chair holding his arisaka.


Red thread ball.

Red scissor.



There was so much things going on inside my head.

"This village is so mysterious. You know what Peter, I will not stop until I can find the answer to my questions." Hiroshi said.

"I agree with you, the curiosity is really itching me. I feel that It's slowly creeping me inside." I replied.

"I want to know the secrets of this village, otherwise the curiosity will drive me crazy." He said.

"I can't even sleep damn it. It is stronger than the black coffee that I drank earlier." I replied.

While thinking about many things, I noticed that Hiroshi fell asleep in the chair, so I covered him with some thick blankets.

When I saw that he was peacefully sleeping, I decided to put my curiosity away. I covered myself with blanket and closed my eyes.


When I woke up in the morning, the sun was already penetrating the inside of the house. While stretching my body to the fullest extent, I saw that Hiroshi and Meldy was still asleep so I decided to make some breakfast.

I took some oil and canned goods in the bag and placed it above the table.

I was about to slice the Spam when I discovered  that a red bright ribbon was tied up to my arm.

"What the hell?."

Along with the ribbon was a little note.

"Find the red thread ball for me and I will not kill you."

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