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"I heard the powerhouse officials were massacred last night."

"All of them?."

"Yeah all of them, all guts open."

"Oh my, the powerhouse officials were cruel, but I didn't think that they faced such horrible death."

"Yeah, well to be honest they deserved that."

"Yeah I think so too."

"They said that it was the Phantom."


"Yeah, one of the royal guards caught him while slicing Don Empirio's throat."

"If so, then why he didn't catch the phantom?."

"I dunno, scared maybe. Maybe he was stunned and afraid to face the villain."

"Villain? More like a hero to me."


"Yeah, those powerhouse officials deserved what they got, I can't stand this tyranny anymore."

"Well yeah, I hope this phantom that you are talking about will kill the great leader, I'm thirsty for freedom."

"You bet."

"By the way, did the guard see the face of the culprit?."

"No, the phantom turned the lights off when he killed Don Empirio, such a deadly evasive villain."

"I hope he will obliterate everyone in the powerhouse, I don't want my children and future grandkids to become a victim of their tyranny. I don't want them to experience being a slave just because of a mistake."

"Same, I want them to be free."

"I will pray for the Phantom's safety."


As they ended their conversation, Immediately I covered my face with a hoodie. Being around town, the people in the area will know that your face is unfamiliar. For an unfamiliar face with a Mucra Royali pass, everyone will most likely place their doubt to you.


"So what information did you get in the bar?." Hiroshi asked.

"You can't believe for what am I about to say." I replied.

"What is it?."

"All the powerhouse officials that Kikiri mentioned yesterday, all dead as in all dead." I said to him.

"What? How?." He asked.

"From what I've heard, it's the phantom." I replied.

"Phantom what?."

"Yeah phantom, he killed the officials all by himself."

"By the way, where is Kikiri?." I asked.

"Meldy and I waited here but no sign of him." He replied.

We were just talking when suddenly we were interrupted.

"Hey guyssss!." Kikiri shouted from a distance.

"He's here."

"Yo, you're damn late, we waited here all morning what took you so long?." Hiroshi asked.

"Sorry something came up, well anyway today we will discuss about our plan."

"Hey about the powerhouse officials that we will about to assassinate, they're all dead." Hiroshi explained.

"Oh god gave us luck then, lucky hahaha." Kikiri replied.

"Anyway, now that all powerhouse officials are gone, we will begin our infiltration plan on the Elibuende mansion." He added.

"Ok let's proceed to the plan."


"Hiroshi, I'm nervous." I said to him.

"Calm down, hold your knife and cover your face." He replied.

In the entrance gate of the Elibuende mansion, Hiroshi and I wore our gears and mask. The first task assigned to us was to go to the basement to cut all the important wiring concerning the electricity. Meldy was assigned in a large tree to scout the interior with her Binoculars, and Kikiri was in the Mine holding a VHF radio to give instruction to us. Using an earpiece that we got from the town, Kikiri was in the base to give us instruction via communication. The three of us were all communicating using a frequency that only we can access, meaning only the 4 of us can connect and communicate with each other.

K - "Ready?."

H - "Yeah, we secured everything."

"Yeah go on." I replied.

M - "Guys, from what I've seen, I suggest you enter in the west part of the area since the garden will help conceal both of you."

H - "Are you sure there's no guards in that area?."

M - "Absolutely, Climb the wall and jump through the pile of dead leaves you can easily spot it near the tree."

H - "Got it, Pete you ready?."

"Yeah, I'm good." I replied.

H - "Let's go."

Using the the rope we tied, we climbed the tall wall filled with barbed wire.

H - "let's jump in that pile of leaves, I'll go first."

"Got it, be careful."

Without making such noise, Hiroshi jumped towards a pile of dead tree leaves.

H - "Yeah it's good, the pile of dead leaves will protect you."

"Yeah, here goes."

Then without a doubt I threw myself towards the dead leaves.

H - "Kikiri, what will we do now?."

K - "See that small window in the left part of the building?."


H - "Yeah we can see it."

K - "There inside the room you will find a small vent hole. In that vent hole you both will surely fit there, just go straight and you will find the laundry room in the end."

"Ok okay."

H - "Got it."

Swiftly without getting noticed, Hiroshi and I went inside the room using the window. Fortunately that part of the mansion was not heavy fortified by the guards.

H - "We're here."

"Yeah, we got inside."

K - "Go directly to the vent, one of the patrols will patrol that room so you must hurry."

"Okay got it."

H - "Okay."

In the cornertop right of the room is a small vent hole, small but can fit a regular size person. Since none of us are obese or oversized, fitting into the vent was not a problem.

"We're in the vent now." I reported.

K - "Just go straight, it's a long crawl but it's worth it trust me. Be careful not to create a noise, crawl carefully and slowly."

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