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"Still up?." Hiroshi said while squatting down the floor.

"Yeah, I can't sleep." I replied.

After the mission, it was so hard for me to rest. The nervous feeling that I felt from that mission prevented me from falling asleep.

"Can you walk? Follow me let's go to that building." Hiroshi asked while getting ready.

"Yeah I think I can walk now." I replied.

The two of us went out of the bunker together. It was so cold outside, so Hiroshi suggested that we bring sweater with us.

"How about that girl?." Hiroshi asked.

"She's sleeping down there, I don't want to wake her up." I replied.

Then we went back to the destroyed build. It was so dark and cold in the highest floor, but it was quiet and comfortable so I kinda liked the mood.

"When I can't sleep, I usually go here to relax my mind." He said while getting his Arisaka out.

"You scout enemies?." I asked.

"Yeah, not just scouting, I also watch some of them play cards." He replied.

"When I am alone in the bunker, I can't help but to feel lonely. So everytime I feel bored, I will go here to watch the enemies from below." Hiroshi added.

The two of us then scouted the enemies from our position.

"Look at those rascals, they try to enjoy life despite their current situation." He said while looking at his scope.

Then suddenly while scouting using my binoculars, I saw a group of people, possibly leaders arguing in a large tent. Based from their attire, they look different compared to the guards so I assumed that those were officers.

"Look at them fighting, I think a war is gonna start soon." Hiroshi said.

"War, why?." I asked him.

"Yeah war. Remember when we stole those supplies? those leaders in that camp were probably thinking that the enemies sent some spies to steal from them." He replied.

"I stole a lot of goods there for some time now, of course the leader will be suspicious. Anyway, here is the the funny part. See that area beside the Humvees?." He asked.

"Holy sht, how is that funny?." I responded.

"Yeah those guys were accused of stealing goods in the warehouse, so what the leader did was, they tortured those criminals then afterwards hanged them to death." He said.

It was a horrible scene from my point of view. On the open field, four dead people were hanging on the stage, two of them had no lower part. It was a bone chilling experience to see an actual executed person, even from our distance.

"If you will ask me if I feel guilty about what we did earlier, yes I do, I feel guilty about it." He said.

"Soon when our food supplies will be low, we will do the same shit again. It's up to you if you don't want to join, again I don't want to force you." Hiroshi added.

"No, I'll go with you." I insisted.

"Then that's the spirit, don't worry we still have supplies in the bunker, it would take a month to consume it all."

While talking, we overheard a group of guards talking about something below the building. We couldn't hear them clearly so we went down on the second floor to eavesdrop.

"Someone said that it was the Occisor who stole our goods. Remember that guard who conducted the inspection in the warehouse earlier? he was  missing based on the investigation, probably killed and assassinated by that person. " One of the guard said.

"That guy again? Wake up! it's just a false rumor, the occisor doesn't exist." The guard on the left replied while laughing.

"But they said that the occisor was real,  remember the death of Lt. Dreyfus? I heard the Occisor was the culprit behind the crime."

"Nonsense! come let's get back to work." One of guard exclaimed in disgust.

When I heard about the rumor, I immediately asked Hiroshi about the Occisor.

"Who the hell is this occisor?." I asked.

"I don't particularly know this person since his identity is still a mystery. But based from what I've heard, I think the Occisor is the same with what we call in Japan as Shinigami, a grim reaper, a death bringer to be exact." He replied.

"I've heard a lot of stories from this person and I know that of some of the those were probably fake, but they said that The Occisor will eliminate anyone without exception, evil or good."

"When they said that The Occisor doesn't exist what do they mean by that?." I asked again.

"Before the disaster, The Occisor was a local murderer here in this area. When the calamity happened, all the of infrastructures, economy and government were destroyed, which resulted into a chaos. Since then, the people didn't hear any news about The Occisor and they totally forgot about it. But one day, when a guard was walking, he witnessed the Occisor but he didn't see the face. It was a real person, wearing a black hooded cloak and a red knife in it's hand just like what they said in the story. Luckily, the guy was not killed, and that's probably the reason why the story of the Occisor is back, haunting those cowards." Hiroshi added.

"Must be a big muscular man, with a scary face." I said to Hiroshi while laughing.

"Must be hahahhaha." He responded.

"Anyway, it was just a rumor, we can't really say that the Occisor is real just because of a story. Maybe that guy was just hallucinating because of starvation" Hiroshi said while laughing.

"Or maybe, he's a scaredy cat." I said.

"Or maybe a dork." He replied.

"Or maybe it was you." I replied back.

Awkward silence.....

"What!? No, of course not." Hiro replied.

"HAHAHAHAHA I was just kidding man." I said while laughing.

Then the two of us laughed.

"Come let's go back, I'm getting sleepy." Hiroshi said while packing his things.

Slowly, we descended to the lowest level and went back to the bunker to rest.

"It was fun, Let's do it again next time." I said to Hiroshi.

"Sure, it was fun for me too." He replied.

"Goodnight dude."


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