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It was 8 in the morning when I woke up. I immediately stood up and found Meldy heating some coffee for both of us.

"Have some coffee, time find for a new shelter again." She said as she invited me.

"Thanks, by the way u okay last night? Did you sleep well?." I asked as I grabbed the coffee.

" Yeah, I'm fine, but my wound kinda hurt." She replied.

"Let me see." I said back. As I opened the bandage to see her wound, I noticed that it was infected.

"Oh god, let's find some medicine to clean this wound today." I said as I looked at her with worry in my face.

After cleaning ourselves, we started the search for medicine.

As we walked in the debris, we saw a group of people walking. I went to those people and asked.

"Excuse me, can you please tell us where to seek help? you see my friend right here has an infected wound and I want to treat it." I said to the walking man.

"Boy, you didn't know? there's no one in world who can help you now, I heard that everything in the world including our government are useless." He replied.

"But, where can I find someone to help her?." I said.

"You find your own way boy, everything is now useless, this world is crushed worst than war."

"Everything is in hell, lucky for those who died, unlucky for us who survived." He replied.

That time I was shocked of what the man said to me. Left with no choice, I told Meldy that I will cure the wounds by myself. Then afterwards continued to walk with the group of people.

"Uhm may i ask, where you guy are headed?." I asked the man.

"In the north, I heard there's a lot of people who survived there who can help us." He replied.

As we walked and walked in the scorching hot sun, we met a group of people with rifles.

"Halt!." The man with a gun said.

When I saw the gun, my instinct warned me that something will happen so I grabbed Meldy's hand and went to a place to hide.

"Why are we hiding? They're soldiers." She asked.

"Shhh something's not right." I said as I looked towards the soldiers and the group of people that we joined earlier.

"Do you have food with you?!." The armed guy in the middle said which I believed as their leader.

"No sir, we don't have food with us, we plan to go to the north for food and shelter." The man said.

"These guys are useless! Shoot them." The man in middle said.

Then the men in the back pointed their guns and killed everyone. Both of us were shocked of what happened.

"Oh my god!." She cried.

"Shhhh lower your voice, they might hear us." I whispered.

After killing everyone, the man collecting the bodies told his boss.

"Uhm boss, what do we do with this pile of dead bodies?." The armed man asked.

"Collect them nicely, let's cook them for tonight's stew dinner." The boss said.

After that the men carried each body to their base and piled them. They removed the clothes and washed it with hot water. Then after all the cleaning procedure, the real horror started. One of the men took out the knives used for cutting meat and chopped the dead bodies like an animal in a slaughter house. They hanged the organs to dry in the sun and piled the pieces of meat in a box. That time I can't continue to watch the horrifying scene that we witnessed, so we immediately escaped away from the area.

"If you didn't pulled me out today, I am pretty sure we will join them as their dinner, I can't thank you enough." Meldy said as her tears fell.

"It's okay, nothing will happen to us." I replied.

After that horrifying event, we walked and walked away to find some medicine for her wounds. As we walked and walked non stop, I found an intact drugstore. I went inside to find some medicine but unfortunately some medicines were gone, probably harvested by the people in the area. Fortunately I found a medicine to clean Meldy's wound.

"I guess people only get what they wanted to get." I said as I laughed in relief.

"Yeah, some probably took some protections too while at it hahahaha." She replied while laughing.

"Ah yes, the condoms and contraceptives are gone when I searched earlier, well to be honest I'm not really surprised." I said while laughing.

After cleaning Meldy's wound, we decided to stay in the drugstore for the night.

A/N: I honestly don't know if making an english story would help me connect with people. Is it better if I make it Taglish? If you guys are reading this ano masasabi nyo?

WHO AM I TO JUDGE? Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ