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"In the highgrounds, I want to see the situation first before doing this mission." Hiroshi said.

As the night went deeper, the two of us climbed the stairs together towards the highest level of the destroyed building.

"Let's scout first." Hiroshi suggested while preparing something.

Hiroshi took out a type of rifle from his bag and settled it.

"Woahh, is that Karabiner 98k?." I asked.

"Nope." Hiroshi replied.

"Lemme see." I said to him.


"Holy sht, an Arisaka bolt action rifle!." I exclaimed in delight.

"What type?." I asked.

"Type 99." he replied.

"Holy mackerel! How did you get your hands on this type of rifle?." I asked again.

"My grandpa, after the war they found his belongings including the katana and that," Hiroshi replied.

"Well I am not supposed to use it since it's a family memento of war, but I'm in a dire situation right now so I'm sure Ojiichan will understand." He added.

"This is amazing man! It's even fitted with a scope." I said to him while admiring the old used Arisaka rifle.

"Yeah, you know I'm glad there's someone like you who can appreciate these things." He said.

"Hey, when I say I'm amazed, I'm not kidding." I replied.

Hiroshi then settled the Rifle on the window and placed the katana in his back. He scouted the lower grounds using the scope of his rifle, while I was supporting him in his back using my binoculars.

"What time is it?." He asked.

"Uhm, about 2200 hrs." I replied.

"Good, usually the guards will have a 15 minute break every 2300 hrs so we will use that to our advantage." He said.

In the top, we stayed there for almost half an our then....

"Hey Pete, look at this I wanna show you something." Hiroshi said.

"What is it. " I asked while looking at my binoculars.

"4 o'clock from our position, see that?." Hiroshi asked.

"Wtf is that? There's a man crucified on a cross." I replied.

"I just want you to know the exact thing that will happen to us when we will be caught. First is that, second they will cook you." Hiroshi said.

To be honest I was not really surprised when he said about us beeing cooked, because honestly we've been In that situation with Meldy where the two of were almost butchered as a meat.

"I don't want that to happen, so please follow the plan." He suggested.

"Yeah all yours now." I replied.

We waited for several minutes in the area then finally..

"It's about time, 5 mins before they will take their break, let's do this." Hiroshi said while putting silencer to his handgun.

"Use the gun that I gave you, put some silencers too, I dont want to expose our locations to them." He said while giving me the extra silencer.

I followed what he said and applied silencer to my handgun.

Slowly, we descended back to the lower level to enter the enemy territory.

"We will enter in that area, we will use the debris to conceal ourselves. Mind your footsteps, don't make a noise and we will be alright." He said.

Carefully and slowly, we crouched on the ground slowly moving forward towards an area filled with debris.

"Our goal is that broken warehouse, all of their supplies are kept there." He said.

"Ok got it." I replied in response.

With the guards walking around guarding, our advancement was a bit slow. Carefully and slowly, we crouched towards the warehouse.

"Stop.. " Hiroshi whispered.

"Why?...... " I asked.

"Wait for that guard to go left then we will run for it, but make sure that you will not make excessive amount of noise." Hiroshi suggested.

After the guard that we were spying went left. We ran as fast as we can towards the warehouse without making much noise.

When we arrived at the warehouse, there were a lot of guards guarding the entrance, some of them were smoking and some of them were busy playing  cards with canned goods as a bet.

"How are we supposed to enter that?." I asked.

"In the back, I went there inside several times already all by myself, there's a hole there that I made, let's go in using that hole." Hiroshi said while preparing to leave.

"Ok ok."

Slowly without getting noticed, we walked slowly towards the back of the warehouse.

"Here, the hole is somewhere here." Hiroshi said.

Then after several minutes of finding the hole in complete darkness, we found it.

"You know you're kinda amazing. To think that you are doing such things all by yourself." I said.

"Well I'm starving, I will die if I will not risk my life." Hiroshi replied while opening the hole that he made.

Carefully, we went inside the warehouse. Inside the warehouse Is what I call a paradise. It has everything. You name it, food, clothes, ammunition, and even bottled water.

"Grab the things that we need, do it carefully. I'll get the things like ammunition and stuff you get the food and water." Hiroshi suggested.

Immediately, I took a lot of canned goods like spam with cup noodles and placed it carefully in the large backpack. I also took a dozen of bottled water and placed it in the bottom of the backpack.

"Did you get everything?." Hiroshi asked.

"Yeah, I placed a lot of food here in the backpack." I replied.

"Then lets g........

Then we were suddenly interrupted when a guard went inside and turned on the light of the warehouse.

"Oh shit, Quickkk hideeeee."

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